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    78 620 kingcab
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    Guitars, old trucks, hilbilly music.

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  1. I wish I had seen this warning about those nuts not wanting to unbolt themselves. I attempted to drop the tank on my 78 620 early this morning and even though I gave them a good soaking with wd40, i wished my pb blaster would not have malfunctioned and leaked from the cap, its my fault. I snapped two of the bolts, both on the inside front lip of the tank, and I am pretty sure this will take some time to figure out if I can just back them off from the underside with some locking plyers, or if I have to, drill them out and retap them. Well, cannot complain I am not learning anything during these crazy covid times. The tank is off and at the performance radiator where they are going to dunk. I found a second fuel filter behind the fuel door. Any ideas where to get one of those?
  2. charleybucket

    620 engine bay

    PS< The reason I asked, was because if you run a weber, and you can get away with it in AZ, you dont have to worry about all that EGR bs and it will have more power AND better fuel economy. But if you want to get it back to bone stock, invest in a good hardcopy of a haynes manual. It has diagrams for all the hoses. So many hoses. Good luck and keep us updated.
  3. charleybucket

    620 engine bay

    Also, are you rebuilding the stock hitachi carb, or has it already been converted to a Weber? Just curious...
  4. charleybucket

    620 engine bay

    Here is one online resource, helps to have a couple different ones. https://www.carpartsmanual.com/#ManualsMenu
  5. Someone on social media posted this, its a link to the original Nissan Manual, I hope the link works! https://datsuntrucks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Service_Manual_Datsun_Pick-Up_1977-1.pdf
  6. Thanks, DatZen Mike! I am not quite used to these drawings, but I do see that bracket 28 may be what I am after, along with the supporting hardware, Thanks for getting me to look closer at the drawing. I am gonna take off the air pump and see whats what down there! I will follow up with better picture once I get it on there! Charley
  7. Greetings, fellow datsun truck owners. I am new here, and believe I have combed through the existing 620 threads, and did not find a question like this. So I have done some research. I have a problem here trying to figure out how to attach the idler pulley for the air pump. I have the haynes manual, but it is not real clear. I also have looked at the carpartsmanual.com It shows the part, just not where it attaches to the block. I am hoping someone may have a picture of the fan belts and the pulley system for a LB20. Here is the blue idler pulley in the approximate location I believe it goes. Perhaps I am missing a bracket of some kind? Whatever you can do to help this noob, would be greatly appreciated! I have learned alot by reading many of the past threads, and really like the culture here!
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