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    Long Beach, CA

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  1. Looking to reupholster my bench and wanted to see if there were multiple patterns used from the factory. Pretty sure JDM and USDM have different patterns, but were there multiple patterns per market? Does anyone have pics available to share? Thanks
  2. Ok, so I took the gas cap off and tried again... before, no fuel was even getting pulled into the fuel filter... now with the cap off, fuel is getting pulled into the filter but none is coming out of the output of the pump... guess it’s time to take it off and try to pump by hand?? Just seems weird that it could pull the fuel to the filter but then just stop up in the pump... what does removing the gas cap do that allowed it to pull the gas? Do I maybe have a vent clogged?
  3. I’ll try taking the gas cap off. I cranked it for like 30 seconds in 10 second intervals. I don’t know what the stock type filter is like but I’ll try to source one. thanks
  4. Fuel line re-route. Thought I read somewhere that these fuel filters need to be horizontal, so I rerouted like this to eliminate that as a factor.
  5. Old pump with arm broken inside
  6. Filed down... no more burrs
  7. Ok, so first I filed the eccentric down smooth. I got the new airtex pump installed with the spacer. The previous new pump arm snapped off clean and didn’t leave any parts in my timing chain section that I couldn’t retrieve. This new pump has the inlet and outlet in different directions so I had to route my gas line a little different than it was. Tried to start it and nothing. Check the pump outlet and nothing is pumping out. Super confused. Guess I’ll pull the valve cover again and see if anything has changed since trying to start it... idk why this fuel pump swap has to be such a pain, seems pretty straight forward. I’ll post pics of the old and new pump, maybe you guys might spot what I’m missing...
  8. Dang, you wouldn’t happen to have one I could buy off you would you? tried ordering but says it can’t ship to my address in CA. gives me like 15 reasons why it might not be able to, but no definitive answer to why. Hmm.
  9. The first one just stopped pumping and that is the one in the pic I posted... The second one fell apart and looked like the pump in the upper-most picture you posted.(with the bolts holding it together). Is there somewhere that sells hitachi ones?
  10. Here is the arm comparisons... apparently the arm didn’t just come disconnected, but snapped in half... the new, broker arm is on top of the old one.
  11. Pretty sure it wasn’t original.
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