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Calvin 520

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  • Location
    San Pedro, CA
  • Cars
    68 520
  • Interests
    Shooting & fishing!

Calvin 520's Achievements


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  1. Do you have the front bumper brackets?
  2. I'll take it, if it comes with the brackets.
  3. Wow man, well done!! That's gonna be friggin' CHERRY! TBH, I like those Infinity rims though. Know what model they're off of?
  4. :thumbup:Un friggin believeable man! Good job. Making your own stuff like that is just so cool!
  5. :cool:Congrats on your new Datto!
  6. Holy shnikeys that thing is bad freakin ass!
  7. Dang, now that's some engineering there! Nice work!:thumbup:
  8. Aww that is just F'n sweeeet Bob! And as I said before, absolutely inspiring to all here on Ratsun! Now, go and feed those other racers some humble pie!!:thumbup:
  9. Happy 5/20 everyone!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!
  10. How's that couch for sleeping, comfy?
  11. Holy moly Gary! Sorry to hear this. You guys need your guns back, mate!
  12. Sweet! That thing is gonna be tits!
  13. Dangit I'm so freakin' impatient!......
  14. That was a lot of fun everyone! Never seen that many sweet ass old Datsuns in one spot. Thanks to all.
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