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About 510BendOr

  • Birthday 12/09/1980

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bend Oregon
  • Cars
    72 510 4 door named BendOr 71 510 2 door named Tina
  • Interests
    I enjoy brewing craft beer, loud music and my 510!...More to come...
  • Occupation

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  1. Well the smoke has cleared out for the day, setting up now!
  2. Awesome Guys! This is shaping up to be a great weekend...Remember Saturday Pot Luck after the show, We will be providing the BBQ...LOL
  3. And once you're done with said appointment you just keep driving right on out to Bend!...LOL
  4. Things are getting serious now! We will have T-shirts Hoodies and schwag for sale! Also the local Nissan dealership is coming up to celebrate their 49th anniversary and bringing up a radio station as well!
  5. Doesn't yip yap and whine or bark all night , doesn't jump on cars (speaking from experience) and no different than a kid you must be 100% responsible for their actions...
  6. Hmm... as long as your dog is well mannered I don't see a problem I guess
  7. Looking forward to this years show! It's one of our more favorite drives over hood to blue lake... https://www.google.com/maps/dir/43.863795,-121.435236/E+Barlow+Trail+Rd/Marmot/Aims/Springdale/Blue+Lake+Regional+Park/@44.7060424,-122.9107945,8z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m34!4m33!1m1!4e1!1m5!1m1!1s0x54958a4cc530774f:0x3fc6477958c8633c!2m2!1d-121.990672!2d45.36737!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0xfb5a720867bf156b!2m2!1d-122.11444!2d45.396671!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0xc955d463a4299da4!2m2!1d-122.207862!2d45.450675!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0x8615c7baacb8def6!2m2!1d-122.329811!2d45.519008!1m5!1m1!1s0x0:0x859ed62f764e7a5a!2m2!1d-122.4507514!2d45.5569634!3e0
  8. It's been updated...is that better...LOL
  9. Draker is right...sorry my computer time has been limited recently... @KoheartsGPA even if you don't Facebook you should still be able to see it, I will try and update asap or just contact me directly at 510bendor@gmail.com
  10. Datsuns Around Bend 2017 August 25th-27th Bend Oregon Contact 510bendor@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/events/833008636852521/ Come join us for Datsuns Around Bend in the beautiful foothills of the Cascades under Mt Bachelor This is a 3 day camping and driving excursion full of Datsun fun Saturday August 26th will be the show from 11-2 for those of you making a day trip There will be Fun Runs, Hiking trips and Exploration of the local region Potluck on Saturday evening for those of you sticking around price is $50 per carload for the weekend and includes camping and potluck $10 for day of the show only Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Virginia+Meissner+Sno-Park/@43.9848561,-121.5288574,848m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x54b8ba85b793f327:0x153d58085a53e2e!8m2!3d43.9848561!4d-121.5266687?hl=en What to bring! SHADE LOTS OF FUCKING SHADE and WATER This years location will include camping and will be the same location for the Show It is held in an open lot with full sun most of the day so plan accordingly Camping will be in the adjacent wooded areas with NO FIRES! I REPEAT NO FIRES PERIOD IF we get to have any fire there will be one designated area and that is it and it will stay to a minimum Saturday Evening Potluck! Desert Datsuns will be providing a grill that will be running a majority of the time and will be cooking Hamburgers Hot Dogs Sausages and maybe even some other proteins like chicken or what not feel free to bring side dishes of all kinds we expect 40-60 people if not more IF you are reading this and like to plan in advance there will be an email thread at http://510bendor@gmail.com Please RSVP here there or anywhere on social media or email @510bendor IT REALLY HELPS MAKE PLANING A SUCCESSFUL EVENT BETTER FOR EVERYONE! You may pay in advance as well $50 per carload to 510bendor@paypal via frends and family as well this will help buy supplies for said event ahead of schedule vs last minute... but hey we,re good at last minute right...#becausedatsun
  11. ALSO If someone can help me upload photos I don't use photo bucket but I have files to post? (photo bucket has failed for me several times and I give up) Youtube links will upload soon...
  12. This Was Fuzztail Hefeweizen from Sunriver Brewing Company... Thanks for the other feedback so far guys I am taking note...some things I can change other things well are what they are...it will be more of a "choose your own adventure" next year along with the set schedule of activities possibly over an extended period of time! This has been a very positive experience so far and would like to keep it this way? Cheers Aa
  13. I am starting to plan for next year and looking for suggestions! Thanks again for your support and participation! I would post pics but illiterate at that!
  14. THANK YOU ALL WHO MADE THIS EVENT POSSIBLE!!! It was a great success and I look forward to hosting again NEXT YEAR! Watch for upcoming thread! If you attended the event please Email me 510bendor@gmail.com Thanks Again Cheers Aa
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