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About cosmo

  • Birthday 05/16/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    milwaukie or
  • Cars
    82 210, 2x 69 521,71 521, 05 cummins 4x4 4door 6 speed short bed
  • Interests
    building cars, drifting, breaking cars, and building them.
  • Occupation
    diesel engine builder.

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  1. 521 stripped down, and is ready to be air lifted to its resting place on my crawler. on another note i built a 14 by 7 car trailer if things need to be towed. haha

    1. skunk


      sweet man, i want to come see that bitch when i move to portland, you have to PM me your number or somthing.

    2. Braden


      you act like building a trailer is a simple 3 hour project!! ha ha sweet man!

    3. cosmo


      yeah, well i am more excited to use it than how long it took to build. i stopped counting after almost twenty hours. but i had four days off in a row and got all the metal work and coupler and axles done, just needs deck and lights.

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