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About 68Datsun510

  • Birthday 09/22/1985

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  • Location
    Pine Grove, CA
  • Cars
    69 Datsun 510 4 door, 2002 Xterra 4x4, 2005 Nissan Titan, 1991 Nissan Sentra SE-R
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    "eye in the sky"

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  1. Whoever designed the 510 half shafts...I hate him.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 68Datsun510


      Hahahaha, its the way they bolt to the diff, Those 4 studs on each one, only accessible at a certain point in rotation, tiny amount of wrench swing each turn, and they fight you the whole way

    3. bananahamuck


      Yeah, i have to replace a joint by this weekends cruise to Mt. Rainer,,and that is the reason i'm putting it off,,

      for that exact reason.


      kneel down slide under rotate

      slide out

      get up put in gear

      set brake

      down slide under take one nut off


    4. 68Datsun510


      use a long screwdriver thru the outer u joint, save you a lot of time.

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