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Everything posted by glorydime

  1. So sorry to waste your precious time.
  2. Yeah I even tried calling the internet company to get another up and they said its a static ip and it can't be switched. I don't know if you look through my account I have done nothing wrong or bad. Literally just on here to Learn more about my truck. Please help anyway you can.
  3. I erased all cookies and catche. Nothing still, it doesn't work on my phone unless I turn off the wifi and run on my data plan. My ip must be blocked.
  4. Naw they have to be right, I'm blocked for some reason. When I use my bookmark at work it's fine and opens to the front page. At home I get the error message you're not allowed to this community. I've tried googling ratsun at home with the same conclusion. Sorry about posting twice, I'm having to use my phone and it froze on me during upload and I thought it didn't complete so I reposted.
  5. I didn't do anything? I've just been learning from the site and trying to buy parts, and throwing up pictures of my two builds. Y'all know who to talk too? I love this forum I just want back on.
  6. I keep getting a message saying I'm not allowed to this community at home? But at work or when I'm not on my internet at home my phone can log in?
  7. I've been having problems with my front wheel cylinders. I have tried both 3/4 and 13/16 both won't fit in my y pipe.
  8. For some reason I can't seem to log into ratsun unless I'm on my phone without wifi or at work? What's wrong with my internet? Says I'm not allowed to this community ?
  9. Been having brake part issues, tried both 3/8 and 13/16 nothing fits my y pipe up front? Anyone have insight?
  10. Ohh no that's not my truck I was just using it as an example of the headlamp peaks. I found that shot on Instagram #ratsun. Some great photos in there.
  11. Anyone put eyelids on there trucks like the way there on Mini Cooper? Some parts catalogs refer to them as headlight peaks.
  12. http://austin.craigslist.org/cto/4245970435.html Bought this little guy today for 700 plus the cost of a tow.
  13. Alright guys, I was wondering if anyone else feels a vibration in there trucks after lowering them? I only feel it in third and fourth gear or mainly higher speeds. I did buy the beltechs with the 2 degree drop, but was worried which way they go in. Did I out them in backwards? I have the slant higher towards the cab right now. Anyone who has felt this let me know.
  14. Yeah I got one off. Hahaha but still can't get the others. Ohh well there's always tomorrow!! I've never had this much trouble with drum brakes.
  15. Ill try the hammer, FRUSTRATION HAHAHA thanks!
  16. You guys ever have troubles removing the drums from your brakes? I can't seem to get my drum off, I can remove the bearing pull it off that way, but obviously I would rather just remove the drum. I have replaced my drums in the past, but don't remember this being such a chore to get them off for a brake job. I have been using a rubber mallet with no such luck.
  17. I haven't been run off the road yet, but people honk when I slow down for pot holes or neighborhood speed bumps. Putting in the new rear shocks this weekend. Will be nice to stiffen up the rear.
  18. I'm going back to the white walls as soon as I have the cash. I feel a little wasteful being that these tires are almost new, but they were so cheap.
  19. Thank you bigtanker by the way, I still need to adjust the drivers side bumper...
  20. So over the passed few weekends I put on my bumperettes, lowered and polished up the Lil hustler
  21. Id like to check out the skins if you know the company?
  22. I will real soon I'm in the prosess of a brake job, then I'm gonna take a shot or two.
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