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About rad510

  • Birthday 01/18/1989

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  1. Ok I'm just wonder if any other Datsun rotor or hub fits 510 if not then I'm gonna go 280zx struts coilovers . Cause I can't find any rotors and hub at the auto stores
  2. Cuz my next step is doing 280zx struts m
  3. ok ill do that ill let u know
  4. wat u mean relpace the point
  5. no the motor stay the same but the rpm just going up like slowly
  6. ok at first when i got the car running for like a week or so ... i start to drive it one the highway cuz my work place is like 20 min from my house ok so i was driving on the highway about like 15 min and my foot was still on the gas peddle and then i look at my rpm it start going up and i was like wat .. so ya so the next couple week my rpm start bouncing and then it dies
  7. my 510 rpm dies out what is it ?
  8. im looking for some strut bar for my 510 let me know if s13 strut bar fit ? or what i got to do with the strut bar to make it fit
  9. ok thinks for the ideal this will keep my head up
  10. what is some good stiff shocks for the rear i have a 2 door 510
  11. will a ka24e fit z20e tranny too right .. just wonder what the stuff i need for a ka24e or de swap ? cuz this is gonna be my plan A cuz if my z20e take a dump that my plan
  12. i have a 2 door 510 i need new shocks for the rear . what is some good shocks ?
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