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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. So here's the pics I took. I'm sure I missed something but I tried to get as much as I could. Congrats to Ray on his win! I was chatting with a fellow ratsuner after they did the 70s class, which Stanley took 1st and was a complete surprise, so I didn't hear any of the other award winners so to all those other winners out there congrats to you.
  2. Ha! I may have to start an awards room for Stanley. He's finally being recognized. Congrats on your win! I didn't get to tell you before we left.
  3. Ray did you ever pick up your award or did you fall asleep back there under the canopy? I'll be posting pics in a bit.
  4. The experiment isn't over. We'll be trying new things. Good meeting you too! Sorry we missed you. We were with Stanley probably til about 1 and then we walked around to check out the other cars. Probably walked by each other at some point. I hope you're wife enjoyed the show. LAX bathrooms aren't so bad. Or at least they haven't been whenever I've flown out. The bathrooms at JCCS weren't so bad. I was happy they had regular bathrooms and not just the porta potties. I hate those. Not sure if I'm going next year. This was my first time ever at JCCS and I was hesitant about it. Long day and a semi long drive but I actually did enjoy the show (not just cause Stanley won) so I may decide on going next year. Thanks everyone for the congrats. Honestly I never expected anything. Stanley always gets overlooked cause he's the less popular Datsun model but he's always been a winner to me. When they called 3rd and 2nd place I figured oh well not a winner this time. Even when he announced 1981 210 I was looking around like who's that. Haha! It's just nice that a lot of the spectators appreciated the work I put into Stanley and some people were even taking pics with him. The judges loved him because I kept the stock look. That was nice. My husband and I will be researching other cooling options and see what's out there. He's also thinking of looking into making an a/c compressor we can run. This thread isn't over. I still want to do some other testing with the Ghetto Breeze 600 so I'll update in a few days.
  5. His first time at JCCS and Stanley wins 1st place!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Thanks everyone! I was freaking shocked. After 3rd and 2nd were announced I figured Stanley was out but even when the announcer said 1st place 1981 210 I was still looking around like who's that. LOL!

    3. dat521gatherer
    4. MikeRL411


      And very well deserved!!!!

  6. So here's the verdict. Noticed a bit of a difference right away. Probably 20 minutes into the drive you could feel more of a difference. It was ok and made it a bit more comfortable. Problem was I was driving North and had the sun burning my torso from the West. Need to help block that so there's not so much sun blasting through the glass. I think getting one of those window screens will help. Next time I take him out I want to see what it's like if I put the Ghetto Breeze 600 in the front seat. I had it in the back seat today. I also want to try a large block of ice in the cooler. This is the ice we put in it:
  7. Stanley got 1st place ya'll!!! Waiting to leave to try out the a/c.
  8. So we're here. We tried it on the way out to JCCS. It's blowing some nice air. The ride home will be the true test. We'll most likely stop some place to get more ice before heading home. I imagine the ice will be half gone by the time we can leave.
  9. Ended up working late yesterday so didn't get a chance to test it. Couldn't today cause I was getting Stanley cleaned up for JCCS. It was getting late and grandma needs sleep so it will be a trial by fire tomorrow. Literally by fire. It's supposed to be 89 degrees tomorrow. Oh boy.
  10. All new cars have too much plastic. I hate new cars. Only reason I have Thadeus is because, although I love him, it hurts a lot less when something happens to him as opposed to Stanley. Wel I guess that's ok then <_<
  11. Thadeus is not a crapfinder. Maybe if your friend took better care of their car their's wouldn't be either. If I had seen who did it there would have been carnage.
  12. Here's the tool my husband bought to measure air flow. It also measures temperature. Cool little thing. The little fan in it makes me want to so this
  13. One of the vids I watched did a test on a bucket vs a cooler and the cooler had colder air compared to the bucket. Got the 6" fan on. Blows about 3 mph faster and nearly double on the CFM. Going to test it with ice tomorrow. Got stuff to take care of tonight. But so far there's some good air coming out of the PVC.
  14. We're getting a 6" fan to try out. Most likely I won't bother with a block of ice. We'll just get crushed ice cause it's more readily available. I'll let you all know the results when I have them. Or maybe I'll just do this:
  15. According to most of the US Obama started everything including the racial divide. People are lame. Meanwhile, I've been working on a ghetto air conditioner project which I hope will work to my satisfaction for JCCS. I don't want to burn up driving out there. Can't wait! See you there homie!
  16. I was kidding. You know I love you like a play cousin. But in general when white folks throw out Obama phone (or anything related to welfare) they do mean it in a derogatory sense about minorities. I ain't that sensitive. We still friends :)
  17. My husband was looking into that but went against it for some reason I can't remember. He used to do heating and air conditioning so he's bringing some knowledge to this project. We're getting a bigger fan to see what happens. My husband also used this as an excuse to by a tool that'll measure air flow. We'll be able to see what the 4" put out compared to the 6" we're getting. I still think it needs dual fan action.
  18. This is the temperature I was dealing with today when I tested it out. I put 2 bags of ice in the chest and then added another after a half hour. Had to drive to Stanley's location so that's why the time gap. I left the ice in the bags. Turned the fan on while I was warming up Stanley (he's in a garage). The cooler was in the back seat. I took a 20 minute 6 mile jaunt. Half the time the sun was in my face and the other half the sun was behind me. I kept the windows up. There was a small difference and I didn't die in that 20 minutes but was still hot but not as hot as it could've been. I would've liked there to have been more air flow. While the fan isn't bad I think I need more of a hurricane. After 3 hours I took the ice out of the cooler. Probably an inch worth melted so I think crushed ice will last longer than an hour and a half like one of the videos I saw said. I don't have a lot of experience with coolers so that's why I want to test everything. In the bag, out of the bag, crushed and big block. Out of the bag would most likely be best. Makes sense to me anyway. Not sure why some folks in the vids I've seen left it in the bag. Anyway, we are now looking into a larger fan. I'm also thinking two fans. I believe the PVC is plenty big enough so that's not an issue as far as I'm concerned. Just need more air pressure. The experiment continues.
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