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pl521sss last won the day on October 14 2009

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About pl521sss

  • Birthday 03/15/1977

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    Northern California
  • Cars
    Too many Datsuns
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  1. A bum wanted to slap me cause I offered him spare change. Wow!! Never again offer help to a bum

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laecaon


      That might be true braden. Some bums get more money than working 40 hrs/wk at minimum wage. The only thing I ever give them is a bottled water if I have one.

    3. pl521sss


      well, this guy came all the way to my car and really wanted to scrap. I was just shaking my head just to see how I will pound his face over and over. But I laughed it off and move on with my day

    4. Skib


      I worked at a truck stop restaurant next to the freeway back in the day and we hired one of the homeless dudes from the off ramp that squated in the nearby woods and shit and he ended up quitting cuz he said he made more money pan handling than working....

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