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Dat Lurka

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Dat Lurka last won the day on April 21 2013

Dat Lurka had the most liked content!

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    The Wrong Coast
  • Occupation
    Keeping your mom happy

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  1. I'm voting for Ron Paul. And you can't stop me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 420n620


      with a attitude like that, he surely will. Your vote will count so quit acting like a Odumbass.

    3. Siempreloco


      Obama is by far not my favorite presidential canidate or president, but if me voting for him is one step from romney being in the white house, so be it. Obama really isn't that bad, if people werent tards and actually looked into who they voted for at a state level maybe we could have a better government system. That's my two cents.


    4. 420n620


      study up on the health care reform and you will not want Obama in office. If don't think were paying enough in taxes now, wait and see what happens in 2014.

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