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73 620 for sale, spare body, 3 engine blocks, north of Spokane

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I have a race day special going on. The 620 I used for work, tabs expire 8/2011, has a commercially rebuilt 1.6L from 2 years ago, maybe 10K on it. It sat all winter, I haven't adjusted the valves in 8 months. Original rebuilt compression 160psi all 4 cyls. Currently #1-135,#2-145,#3-135,#4-150. Weber carb. I drive it, though the vacuum advance diaphragm is shot and so I am running it a little advanced (grrr), so I don't drive it much. Mechanical fuel pump shot as well, using an electric. One spare 1.6L block that was running (replaced by rebuilt long block), and one that wasn't for many years.


The spare body is a 1976 620 2.0L, tabs expired 7 years ago, that has a 2.0L in it, but I've used the carb, starter, fuel pump, coil, headlight, for the '73. The 2.0L was running, though I recall cyl #3 was nearly shot (85psi)


I have photos of the '73 in my gallery for cedarRat. I live north of Colville, more near the raceway at Northport. Why am I selling it? Just in case the FPofDC (either "fine politicians" or fud-puckers, your choice) drop the ball, I can make sure my 80 year old mom makes her mortgage. Thats no shit. So it could be a fine deal for a little truck racing fun. 2 trucks, 4 blocks, 12 rims, 1 canopy, many spares, including new brake pads.


$1200. Thats a period after the 1200. Cash only, a little better than usual price in a little worse than usual economy.

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Hmmm, I am having a little difficulty remembering what I called it....



I should have said 13 rims and tires.

Anyways, I do a lot better with simple email than these bulletin boards, handy as they are. I can email you some specific photos, or exact shots for parts you need, though my plan is to sell all.


I'll have the runner at the Northport raceway this Sunday.


Thank you for your interest.

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Guest kamakazi620

interested in pics but cant get them to work, do you have another link or website?

If you buy these adam I will buy some of the body parts off the white one

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I am located a mile from the Canadian border, so I didn't expect anybody but locals. Portland I rarely get to, though I marvelled at the Lloyds center as a child in the 60's and am a confirmed Powell's freak. Anyways...


I will put more photos up on Tuesday, so you guys will be able to see better. Thanks for the interest.

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Got home later than expected, nearly drowned in mosquitoes getting a couple more shots for my gallery. I'll put up even more tomorrow, dashes, engine compartments, spare blocks. Yes the distance is daunting. Between Richland and Spokane is the hilliest, but otherwise its more or less a steady climb from about sea level to 2250ft. I appreciate your patience and needed to get these photos up anyways.

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Since the distance is so far, and since I gather Eagle_Adam, you are a mechanic, an alternative might be for you to hire a local mechanic to take a look at this stuff. There is a fellow with a good shop, lots of business, and good word-of-mouth, not two miles from here. I have not done business with him, but if I explain the situation, you and he could talk at a high level. I can send you his phone number by email. I've met him, ferrying neighbors cars to his place, and I think he is without airs, a common sen$e reasonable person.

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CedarRat, im far from a pro, just determined. :D The tan one is the 73 right?


Yes, the 73 is originally orange and quite sunfaded. The 76 originally white but sunfades less noticeably. I have more photos yet to post, but this silly thing says I have 40% space remaining, but won't let me upload any more photos. It will be faster, and better resolution if I send them to your email directly. Likewise, if you have a pal in Spokane, its a 2.5 hour drive to here, and I'd be happy to show them the stuff. I haven't put this up on craigslist yet because I would prefer to sell to people with automotive craft knowledge, that is, I prefer seeing nice Datsuns on the road. I am in no specific rush, and appreciate it takes time to examine one's options. I know the 73 bed has some rust-through, along with some rust-through in the 73 drivers floorboard. Not so much as to keep from driving it and using the bed, by no means. These are trucks that have been running and used, not restored in any way, other than to get a rebuilt long block and a Weber, and the usual seals, clutch, etc that one would replace having swapped a motor.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Yes, still available and due to other circumstances, I was able to cut back on the price some more, currently dropped to $950. Hopefully someone will be in the right situation to appreciate this stuff. I know times are difficult and this is a long ways from anywhere. I make the same suggestion to you as I did Eagle_Adam, perhaps you know someone near by that will give them the "fleegle-eye".


Thank you for your interest.

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I do have family in Spokane, alas not close, nor are they car people.


I'm thinking that at that price, if I could find somebody else that would want one of the trucks, we could come out there, get both running, and drive back. It'd certainly be an adventure, but flights from SeaTac to Spokane are super cheap.


The white truck, you say that cyl. 3 is pretty shot, but with a set of good running gear (dizzy, carb, starter, etc.) could it be made to run and drive? Does it have other problems that are keeping it off the road?


I know this is kind of a crazy plan, but it could work.


As far as calculating costs, what kind of mileage does a 620 get?


I'll PM you my e-mail so that you can send me more photos as well.

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Sorry to be a flake, but I was looking more at the cost of doing this, and my current financial situation, and I really couldn't afford to do this without selling my RX-7, and well, I've totally fallen in love with that car.


I am still somewhat interested in the white truck, if somebody was going to go over there and get the orange truck, I would be tentatively interested in doing something along the lines of what I suggested, but, we'll see. It depends on when it happens, etc.


Good luck.


Oh, and yes, if you still want to send me pictures, my email will handle them no problem.

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