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I recently posted an ad for a 72' 620 stock gas tank. Im still looking. I need and currently looking for a number of parts, stock clock, glove box, etc! just drop a line on what u have and ill give a nod or not. Thanks!

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The clock looks great! You say it hasnt been tested though, what's shipping like?

I did connect to power.


I posted this response in the clock thread.


"I did connect both to power and they both moved a few seconds. One stopped moving completely and the other still moves only it "ticks" in the same spot. If that makes any sence. Almost as if they are gummed up?

I was going to open them up and clean them up but they aren't very high on my to do list. You interested?"

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USPS Priority shipping box is like 10 bucks.


Might be cheaper if a smaller box is used but might not get there as fast.


I'm very interested. Although I don't want to buy a non-working clock. You know?

What's you'r best price?

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