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Datsun motor shops PDX


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I had finally got my dime running this week after two years of restoring body, electrical and interior. Seamed to run well enough with a rough tune on my L20B and SU’s, so I went for a little roll around the nabor hood to warm it up and see if all the bells and whistles work. Never broke 15 mph. It felt so good to have it on the road that I thought a bigger run would be OK :w00t: . So I headed off the nearest main road and started running thought the gears with more throttle 1st gear (zoom), 2nd gear (zoom) and 3rd gear Wham!!! :blink: Folded the perfectly straitened hood over the windshield. I hadn’t installed the hood latch yet. Such a dumb ass :crying: ! But to my real question, I get it home and fined oil leaking from the front some were. Since the hood was off all ready, I pulled the radiator out to get a better look at the front end of the motor just to fined the PO had put the timing cover on with silicone caulk instead of a gasket (WTF). So not knowing what other janky stuff was done to the motor, I need some recommendations on a good Datsun shop or individuals in the PDX area. I know of a few (that I wont name) that have gotten mixed reviews, but was hoping that you guys would have some input.

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Guest kamakazi620

Are you actually looking for a shop?? or do you what a RATSUNER to lend ya a hand??? If you want a shop I recomend Major Murrays and for a RATSUNER I vote PHLEBMASTER!!!! dude can rebuild my car/truck anyday!!!

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Any body that can rebuild motors well would be fine. Of course just like any body I would like to build in some more power, but I’m on a budget to. So the best I can get at ratsun prices would be ideal. I picked up a hood that is OK at best, so if anyone has a nice spare for cheap or trade I have a tone of cool stuff.

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Guest kamakazi620

Any body that can rebuild motors well would be fine. Of course just like any body I would like to build in some more power, but I’m on a budget to. So the best I can get at ratsun prices would be ideal. I picked up a hood that is OK at best, so if anyone has a nice spare for cheap or trade I have a tone of cool stuff.

might wanna post in the "wanted adds" for the parts,what motor ya runnin' I could teach ya to replace the gaskets an' such

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Thanks I appreciate that ;) . I could do the gasket my self but I’m afraid that it will have bigger issues that I may not recognize. I got to say there is not much on this car that I can’t fix, but the motor intimidates the hell out of me. I’ve read though miles of posts on here about all the different mods one can do to an L20B to squeezes more power out of it, but it all makes me dizzy. I’ve had a few dimes in my time but never opened an engine before.

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Guest kamakazi620

Thanks I appreciate that ;) . I could do the gasket my self but I’m afraid that it will have bigger issues that I may not recognize. I got say there is not much on this car that I can’t fix, but the motor intimidates the hell out of me. I’ve read though miles of posts on here about all the different mods one can do to an L20B to squeezes more power out of it, but it all makes me dizzy. I’ve had a few dimes in my time but never opened an engine before.

Dude!!! the L-series is the EASYest motor to work on!!!! the only way to F it up is to put Caulk for gaskets!!!!j/k but you get the idea!!! I've rebuilt several motors and done lots of krylon rebuilds (new gaskets and paint)motor swaps always with similar motor.

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