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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in the desert, NM
  • Cars
    1970 Nissan Laurel Coupe, 1994 Isuzu Amigo (aka. Slow-migo: slightly modified), 2011 Durango

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  1. I've been busy since I got back, finally found time to upload the pics I got: I had a great time meeting everyone! This was one of the best shows I've been to and hope to go again. Thanks to Kelmo for arranging a convoy from NM. I'm absolutely horrible with names, but it was great to meet everyone and I convoyed with the greatest guys. I know one was Zachdog and I'm very sorry I can't recall the other! Again, thanks for the great show and venue!
  2. So ready for this... well for being able to pick my car back up more than anything, then make it to this. Tomorrow i pack a little than an early drive Friday to be reunited with my baby!
  3. I'm all prepped for the show. The car's sitting in storage in AZ. I was on my way back from JCCS and after passed Williams and Flagstaff i was thinking about how much it sucked towing it home and all the way back. So i realized i could just drop it off and pick it up on the way back.
  4. KC30

    JCCS 2012

    Here's some pics I got of the show: It was great to finally make it out and meet some people. Though with the weather, I should have stayed in the NM desert, it was cooler! (75* vs 100* at the show) But despite the sunburn it was a great event!
  5. KC30

    JCCS 2012

    Finally made it here. Checked into the hotel. About to unload and do the early drop off with the Laurel. Can't wait til tomorrow. And hopefully meet some fellow ratsuners tonight or in the morning.
  6. KC30

    JCCS 2012

    Is there anyone coming from the Phoenix area? I'm going to be headed over on Hwy 10 (trailering) and wouldn't mind meeting up with some on the way. Definitely looking forward to getting there and meeting up with several of you. Planning to get into Long Beach Friday afternoon.
  7. I'm really looking forward to this show. Today I test fitted the two newest accessories for the Laurel: So now I'm ready to go!
  8. Skib: Thanks! Well, again I have not had a chance to to anything directly to the Laurel... but I did have to get a couple of accessories for it: I know the Durango's a little dirty here, but I'm finally ready to take the Laurel out to a couple of shows!
  9. Willdatsun: the C130 is nice. I still wish I could get one of those and put an RB25DET in it! That'd be a blast. Since I'm going to be towing the Laurel soon, I weighed it today. With some stuff in the trunk it weighed 2560 lbs. It'll be good to get it out to some shows soon.
  10. I'm interested in a west bound caravan. but you won't have to worry about keeping pace, i'll be towing it. It's in need of more work before it could do long trips... and i don't think my spine could take it.
  11. Sweet! I was bummed that I couldn't make it last year, now I'm all registered and looking forward to going! Just after the registration processing saying "Datsuns ONLY" I hope my Nissan won't be looked down upon, lol. Looking forward to finally meeting some of you!
  12. I've been away for 6 months and since being back I've been able to do very little to the Laurel. The first priority was getting my daily driver ('94 Isuzu Amigo) running decent... something not really obtainable since it's been pushing the dipstick out of the holder the last year and a half. So the next priority was a new vehicle. I happened upon a good deal on a 2011 Durango, which I was extremely impressed with... much more than the Nissan Pathfinder I was thinking of getting. Anyways, to get around to the point, I have only had time to do one thing since being back. Which was to try to fix the caster issue I've got. The front tires, despite having negative camber, have been wearing very bad on the outer edge of the tire. Knowing that my caster was causing this, I ended up rotating the coilover's top mount plate so I could try to fix it. I haven't driven it much since to see how it's wearing, but the initial tests I found it was much more stable than its been in corners. Here's a pic: On a side note... The best part of having a new vehicle, is that I finally have something to tow the Laurel around with!
  13. KC30

    JCCS 2012

    I've given in and registered mine today! I'm finally back after being gone a long time and looking forward to getting my project out.
  14. Thanks everyone! The ride height/stance is something I've been torn/pondering on. It's got the 70's stance alright, but it does look different depending on the angle you're at. I can't get the tires into the fenders until I get custom front control arms. I still need to get the new front coilovers that will be a little taller also, then maybe taller tires... closer to the stock Laurel tire height. Once I get the front sorted I can decide how the rear will sit. But for now, it's fun to sport the 70's raked stance.
  15. Unfortunately haven't done anything new to the Laurel. Had to ready and do a long road trip in my slow Isuzu this month, to that was priority. But I made it back Friday night and drove the Laurel out to White Sands National Monument to so the hot air balloon fest. Here's a couple pics of the Laurel there:
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