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Dirk Diggler

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Dirk Diggler last won the day on August 12 2011

Dirk Diggler had the most liked content!

About Dirk Diggler

  • Birthday 02/29/1988

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  • Location
    Grover Beach, Ca
  • Cars
    1970 240Z, 1977 Chevy Scottsdale, 2009 Altima Coupe
  • Occupation
    Auto Detailing

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Newbie (1/14)

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  1. Out of beer. Drinking wine as a last resort. Im hoping I cant taste it after the first bottle

    1. dirtboy411


      your sure gonna have a hangoverr tomorrrow. let us know how you feel in the morning. lol i hate wine, gets u drunk but worst hangovers.

    2. philcas1987


      At that point maybe you should stop?

    3. Dirk Diggler

      Dirk Diggler

      I think I am immune to hangovers. For JCCS I was drinking heavily all weekend leading up to the show, slept for 15 minutes during 3 days, and went straight from the bar to the caravan to Long Beach (I wasnt driving), and still never got a hangover after that.

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