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About SoCaLKiDz

  • Birthday 10/26/1993

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  • Location
    Tucson, AZ
  • Cars
    81 Datsun 720
  • Interests
    BMX My 720

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  1. Anyone on here ride bmx? if so can you guy find me a 9 tooth freecoaster wheel? I will ship you my wheel for a straight trade if you can find one. I smashed my other and now i need another!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dirtboy411


      a freecoaster is old/new setup to hubs. old meaning pedal brake and new meaning dont have to pedal backwards when going fakie. if ur ghetto and cant afford the 250$ hub you can turn a coaster brake into one. its kinda cool. ive done it. lmfao. bored at the bike shop and youtube get you doing some stupid stuff

    3. Laecaon


      oh! I get it. I know coaster brakes, but was not familiar with freecoaster.

    4. dirtboy411


      ummm is it the reverse khe or the astern khe. one is adjustable through the axle and the other isnt. astern is reverse isnt. my bro runs federal but that and the reverse are the same thing i believe.

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