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David Krouse

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  • Location
    San Antonio Texas
  • Cars
    Datsun 620
  • Interests
    Playing Drums

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  1. Ok. I was going to take the bolt off to have it machined as you stated. So now how do I get it machined. That is why I was considering buying a new distributor..
  2. Hell at this point should just go back to points..
  3. Yes this was a points truck up to a few month's back when I put the Pertronix in it. The coil was put in by a shop 4/5 yrs ago and never had any issues with it ..with the points that is.
  4. Ok so I checked my Pertronix and I got spark. And I also got spark at spark plug #1. So it has to be timing? Yes/no? I hate this crap. I feel I had it timed right. But still nothing. I sure don't know what the heck I am doing. Sorry I am not much of a mechanic. Steve (Redeye) and Hainz have always helped me out with the big stuff. I am not sure what up I guess back to the drawing board.
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