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  1. @Stoffregen Motorsports There's a selvedge yard near my town that has a 1984 4x4 that I was considering pulling the trans off to see if the rod was the same length/diameter and fork head placement. Might be a longshot, but the one on the car-part.com website I called would also be worth a shot, it would just be a bigger risk of investment.
  2. @Stoffregen Motorsports One of the places I called said that the housing has a 16 inch extension on it. Mine is a 12 inch. My guess is that the 1st and 2nd rod could be pulled from the 16 and put on the 12. Would this work? and if not what would need to be done to allow the 16 to work with my truck that has a 12 inch?
  3. @Stoffregen Motorsports Thank you! After a little more research last night I also found that website and planned on giving some of them a call today.
  4. I am sort of at a loss for where to go. I really don't want to drop the dough to buy a brand new transmission before exhausting all possible options. No one in my area will work on manual transmissions anymore, unfortunately, so I turned to the internet to look for parts. I finally found what I was looking for on a Japanese parts website (even the Haynes manual for my truck wouldn't tell me specifically what I was looking at). I have a 1985 720 2x4 truck with a z24 engine. The transmission housing has the number FS5W71B listed on it. The part I'm looking for is "Head, Fork 1st & 2nd" (as well as the pin that goes through the head and into the rod). With this tiny little, seemingly elusive and unfindable part, I would have my dream truck running again. My question is, I have found some rods with fork heads included listed on ebay that come from a FS5W71C transmission. If I bought those and tried to replace the rod head from the C to the B transmission, would this work? At this point it is starting to seem like the only option other than buying a whole new transmission. I haven't heard back from the JDM websites about part inquiry's. I'm open to advice if you have any other directions to go with this. Link to photos
  5. What is the number on the case? I'm looking for a FS5W71B transmission.
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