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  1. Ok I only ran it for about 5 minutes at the longest. That's why im surprised my motor started spewing white smoke. When it blew smoke I only ran it for about 2 minutes. I wa s thinking dropping the oil and filter and examine what come out. And I was going to drop the water in the radiator. If idid fire it up again how long would you run the engine? And I did torque the head s again. But I also have to point out that with the front end up in the air. I did look up at the bottom of the intake manifold and noticed a few small bubbles. So it could be the intake. So I will inspect all of these things and maybe replace the intake exhaust gasket. Thanks Jerry
  2. In previous posts I was asking for advice if I had a blown gasket. Here are the symptoms. White sweet smelling smoke from the exhaust pipe. Compression test shows cylinder 1 3 4 160 pounds. Cylinder 2 is 120 ponds. I have a bore scope no gouges in cylinders. Number 2 has rust on the top of piston. But here is the rub. No milk shake in oil or in the radiator. And water in the radiator has slightly oily film with what looks like rust.The engine shop I use suggested it could be a coolant leak from the gasket into the intake chamber. The car never did this after I got it running. It sat for 20 years. There is also using a vapor test that goes in the radiator fill neck. What do you all think? I know im in for some work. But im Looking for a little direction. Im also taking off draining oil and filter to check. And draining the radiator. Thanks Jerry
  3. cool. Thank you all for help. The motor ran well for sitting 20 plus years. But I guess s pit happens. Thanks Jerry
  4. Sorry I had a picture on my phone
  5. Since mike merged everything it is easier to read. Sorry. One question. On my dampner it has 5 markings. The shop manual say going from right to left 20, 15, 10,5,0. Is this correct? I don’t remember that many notches in dampner. I’m going to rotate the motor with my finger in spark plug hole until no pressure and exhaust lobe is pointing upward. Will check if it lines up with last notch on damper.
  6. Please could you meme all of these posts. I thought had to write a new post for each question. thanks Jerry
  7. In the top end gasket kits it has two intake exhaust. One is square port the other is round exhaust . I thought the l16 used intake exhaust with square exhaust parts? Thanks Jerry
  8. Thanks for all the information. Willll a radiator compression also be a good test. I am going to do another compression test tomorrow to see if cylinder 2 comes back up. Thanks Jerry
  9. My Datsun L16 motor started smoking and I started testing everything. Carb float was too high adjusted. Ignition died replaced it and the motor still smoked. So before I tried to take off carb. I decided to do a compression test. Cylinder 1 120 number 2 90 number 3 and 4 is 120 see a pattern? Now before I jump off the deep end.Any steps I can read on head gasket replacement. I read shop manual but I want other opinions. Thanks Jerry
  10. Thanks Mike. I remember the tear down procedures kind of. It's been about 40 years since I tore down a Datsun 1600. Going back to the suggestion about adjusting the valves in cylinder 2. I read my shop manual and watched a few Youtube videos. Old memory isn't what it used to be. So I understand you put motor at top dead center on the compression stroke. Then you can adjust valves on hole number 1. But here where im confused. They say you can adjust other valves where the cam is sitting lobe facing up? I always thought it was top dead center adjust valve 1. then quarter turn adjust valve on number 2? DidI miss something? Thsnks jerry
  11. Thank you for all the responses. I have a white smoke kind of smells sweet. I havent checked the oil level or if there is water. The spark pugs are new. There is no coloring on the plug. I will check the valve clearance on cylinder number 2. I also will check the water in the radiator. I was also leaning towards a blown head gasket but I wanted other opinions. I had originally thought carb problem I saw my float was high so I adjusted it. A little back story on my car. It's a Datsun 1600 in a 1926 model t. It sat for at least twenty years. I got it started and it was running. recently I started it and I got white smoke in the past 2 weeks. . That's why blown head gasket or ring failure came to mind. I was thinking of taking the motor out and rebuilding it if was bad. The car sat for so long was the reason I figured to chang e the clutch. But one thing at a time. I will let you know what happens. Thanks Jerry
  12. My Datsun L16 motor started smoking and I started testing everything. Carb float was too high adjusted. Ignition died replaced it and the motor still smoked. So before I tried to take off carb. I decided to do a compression test. Cylinder 1 120 number 2 90 number 3 and 4 is 120 see a pattern? Now before I jump off the deep end I heard. if you put a mix of atf and oil and in the spark plug hole and the pressure goes up it s rings? I know my luck was running out this motor sat for 20 years. What do you all say? And since it sat for so long Im putting in s new clutch throw out bearing and diagram. Just my luck on a Monday. Thanks Jerry
  13. thanks for the quick response. The previous guy mounted them on a plate that bolted to where the smog pump used to be. Really a pain for maintenance. Thanks Jerry
  14. Just an update. I adjusted my float on my carburetor and it did nothing. But I did notice a lot of unburned fuel coming out the tail pipe. Which led me to ask why all the unburned fuel? I checked the coil and ballast resistor with a multi meter and found out they were both bad. So I ordered new parts and will install them. Cross your finger. Test everything instead of just throwing parts at it. Thanks Jerry
  15. Hi On my L16 motor the coil and blast resistor was mounted on a metal plate bolted to date engine. The ignition failed and it was a beer to take off. on my Hanes manual it doesn't show where the sock coil and ballast resistor was mounted. Can anyone tell me where to mount these parts? I want it to be easily serviceable and not a bear to fix. Thanks Jerry
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