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    Datsun PL510

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  1. I found an extra Datsun 510 carb gasket. But it has a small tear can this be repaired? Thanks Jerry
  2. Ok I will put insulator with gasket on either side of insulator. Thanks jerry
  3. On my L16 intake there was a heat insulator about a 1/8 inch thick. Do I use the insulator and two gaskets? Or can I leave off the insulator and just use 1 gasket between the carb anmanifold? Thanks Jerry
  4. jerryt


    I am putting on my intake and exhaust on my l 16 motor. Any suggestions on sealant on the gasket if needed. I am using a Gel pro intake gasket. Thanks jerryt
  5. Well I was able to fish out 90 percent of the timing chain wedge that broke. I took Mikes advice and rocked the motor back and forth to see if the bottom part would dislodge. It worked. After assembling the pieces like a giant puzzle I found I had 90 percent. Now I'm going to take off the pan just to make sure no pieces are left. When I clean the pan and put it back on do I need any special guy or put rtv sealant anywhere? Thanks Jerry
  6. Well I finally got the wedge out. I estimate its about 95 percent complete. I had to put it back together like a puzzle. The bottom of the wedge near the crank shout is kind of beat up. I think I should drop the pan to see if I can find the last few pieces. What do you all think? Thanks Jerryt
  7. It snapped in two by the chain tensioner. Up near the camshaft it broke and fragments came off. Im going to do this. Since I didn't torque the head im going to take off the cylinder head and try to get a better view of what might have fallen in. Then I will try to fish out pieces with long 18 inch needle nose pliers. Maybe a shop vacuum. If I, lucky I can get all the pieces out. Then put a rope on the remaining piece by the tensioner. put the head on with the cam sprocket and rock motor back and forth to see if I can dislodge the chain wedge at the bottom of the motor. In my first rant I was pissed. Now that I have read all your suggestions. I will try and think before I dive off the deep end. Oh well off to Harbor Freight to get fliers. Wish me luck. Thanks Jerry
  8. Hi Mike. I guess I could rock the engine pulley and try to fish out the pieces. The wedge was plastic 3 d printed. I guess it's worth a try to fish it out. I gotta get a really long handle needle nose pliers. Maybe after drain oil and inspect for pieces. Thanks Jerry
  9. Hi Mike. My main problem is that pieces of the wedge may have broken and fallen into the pan. So I think to give me peace of mind I should take off the front cover and pan. I was really not happy when all this happened. But Spit happens. In my first post I asked a few questions. Since the head wasn't torqued I can use the head gasket again? I know I have to take off everything like distributor, crank pulley, water pump and everything else in the way. Also the pan needs to come off and I have plenty of room. Is there a way tie off the timing chain tensioner. And how do you inspect the timing chain for wear. Last time I built a Datsun motor I replaced everything. Today wasn't a great day. But tomorrow is tomorrow. Thanks Jerry
  10. Well I put the head on the block. I hand tightened the head bolts. I put the chain and sprocket back on the camshaft. Then I went to take off the timing chain wedge and it broke. Needless to say I was pissed. Im pretty sure I know what I have to do but luck deserted me. 1. Since I didn't torque the head bolts I can still use head gasket? 2. I have to take the front end of the motor off. Distributor, water pump, oil pump, alternator 3 I also have to take off the oil pan to make sure no debris fell in 4 I can keep the head on with the timing chain and jus remove the wege and dbeis 5 Is there a way to judge if there is too much slop in the chain? And since the timing chain is on the cam sprocket do I have to tie bak the chain tensioner? 6 Thank you for letting me ask my dumb questions. Im still upset at my motor. Thanks and sorry for the rant Jerry
  11. ok Mike will do. Thanks Jerry
  12. What do you all suggest for threads on head bolts. I think last time I put on moly lube Thanks Jerry
  13. I finally took the head off my L 1600 motor. It was caked with soot and black carbon. The motor wast from a junkyard in the early 80s. The car sat for almost 20 years wasting away. Once I got it to fire up it ran well. But then its started running rough. I thought carb or ignition. Nothing worked. I got blue smoke one day. And I thought blown head gasket. The number 2. cylinder was low so I tore it apart. I took it to the machine shop . They cleaned all the carbon ,pressure tested it and did a valve job. They also checked to see if the head was flat. Our theory is that the valves never really seated correctly because of he carbon. And the carbon that was everywhere else slowy broke off sometimes and caused the car to run rough. Now I am putting everything else back together. I Was chasing my tail trying to find out why my car ran like crap. It was junk in the motor that caused rough running. I thought I was going crazy. Jerryt
  14. well I finally took off the cylinder head on my 1600. I looked and looked for a tear or crack in the gasket. None. I think the head gasket motor on the car was the original. I think it just got old. I dropped off the head to the machine shop they will check it for me. Cross your fingers. Thanks Jerry
  15. Hi. Well I cheated a little. I found a water outlet on eBay and they showed the part number on the picture. The part number is 11060 u0100 and you can order it at Nissan Dealers. It's 27.86 plus tax. Also I found it on Nissans.com for 20.00 I still have to pull the head this afternoon but I thought I would share this. Also if you want to verify this google the part number. Thanks Jerry
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