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    '72 521

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  1. do 620 camper shells fit on the 521?
  2. when you say to remove the flasher, are you referring to unplugging the wires on the flasher relay?
  3. ok, where is the turn signal lamp housing located? I sprayed some electrical cleaner on the turn signal switch behind the steering wheel and I didnt see any loose wires.
  4. about 14.3 volts when revved up to 3500rpm
  5. it could definitely possibly be when using the turn signals, why?
  6. Mmm, should I try putting in a 15amp fuse instead of the 10amp
  7. I dont have the stock alternator or voltage regulator. I have a one wire alternator swap
  8. no it doesnt blow right away. it blew last week for the first time while driving,so i swapped the fuse and took it for a test drive and it blew about 10minutes in to the drive so i swapped in another fuse last week and it was fine until it blew again today.
  9. I adjusted the brakes and it didnt do too much in regards to my problem of the pedal going to the floor and having to pump. I then tightened up my e-brake cable because there was too much travel and that fixed both problems
  10. Are you guys aware of any typical problem that causes the fuse circled to keep blowing. It blows and then my fuel gauge, turn signals, coolant temp, ext. dont work. I dont see any split wires grounding out under the dash or near the fuse box.
  11. Ok, ill adjust the brakes closer together on the wheel i did the bearing on some more. I assume I shouldnt have to adjust the others since I didnt touch them. If no improvement, ill bleed them some more. thanks
  12. the only brakes I re-adjusted was the rear passenger side since that was the only one side i had loosened the adjuster wheel on when putting it's brake shoes back on.
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