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    Datsun 521

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  1. Nice. I've always liked that thing, but just didn't know what to put it on. Then I had the vision of slapping it on a little truck, especially a 521!
  2. Thanks! Definitely on the to-do list. They are both just a bit wonky.
  3. Hi all, It's been a while, as I'm mostly an observer on this site. But, finally ready to share where I landed with a 521 that I bought last October. I bought it from another member on this site, great guy! He lives up near Washington and I'm in the San Fernando Valley, so he was kind enough to meet me in Fresno. The truck was mechanically sound when I bought it, he did an awesome job going through it. Since then, I've done quite a bit just to make sure it's running good- new clutch assembly, thorough tune up, added electronic ignition... The body was quite rough and I was torn on keeping it the same (has a cool history) or going back to original. So, after a lot of debating, I decided to fix it up and go back to an original look. I'm sure happy that I did, as I love the original look. I also pulled all the chrome and stripped any rust from it. So, here's some before and after's- enjoy and feel free to ask any questions! By the way, it was an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE finding the original bumperettes and brackets.
  4. Revisiting an old topic in case anyone stumbles across it like I did.. Just bought these for my 521 and they fit like a glove! Didn't have to swap out the rubber, as the entire arm popped right in. https://www.classicindustries.com/product/153391.html Fit like a glove and looks great. P.S. Been creeping Ratsun for a few years now, great community!
  5. Thank you all for the support! Noticed that the signal flasher was real weak, so I replaced it last night and got a very strong pulse. But, I also noticed something quite strange that I could not see during the day. Exterior light is working great, but the interior arrow still does nothing. But at night I actually saw a very small blink of light coming from behind the cluster. I started to think that maybe the bulb was loose and hanging down, so I reached my hand behind and it still feels secure. Not quite sure what to make of it. I'm able to the see light blinking just in between the crack of the cluster and clear cover. Attached a picture to show where I'm talking about. Thoughts?
  6. Wow, thank you for taking the time to explain. Awesome! Going to give it a shot, thank you so much!
  7. I'll give that a shot and see if it works. When the interior blinker arrow works, it's only the left one. The right one does not turn on whatsoever.
  8. From my understanding, some of the wiring was loose. I have a very limited knowledge of wiring, so I didn't know what to look for on my own. Yes, the emergency flashers are working. I'll try swapping the flashers, but they both seem to be different. Can plugging the wrong flasher in cause any type of issue?
  9. Hi all, Just got my '72 521 back after having some electrical work done to it, but I'm a little stumped with the turn signals. So, the electrician told me that the signal switch is really worn out. But, the exterior turn signals turn on just fine. However, the interior arrows light up only half of the time, regardless of the exterior signals always working. I'm wondering if it could have anything to do with the flashers? Which look to be very old, and a lot of the information/stamping has faded. I can tell that they are Niles flashers, but it's pretty difficult to make out any other information. Would really appreciate some advice. Happy to provide additional info! Thanks!
  10. Hi all, Just got my '72 521 back after having some electrical work done to it, but I'm a little stumped with the turn signals. So, the electrician told me that the signal switch is really worn out. But, the exterior turn signals turn on just fine. However, the interior arrows light up only half of the time, regardless of the exterior signals always working. I'm wondering if it could have anything to do with the flashers? Which look to be very old, and a lot of the information/stamping has faded. I can tell that they are Niles flashers, but it's pretty difficult to make out any other information. Would really appreciate some advice. Happy to provide additional info! Thanks!
  11. Previous owner installed an ooga horn.
  12. Pics added: https://imgur.com/cCE2B4q https://imgur.com/vHJ7fTK https://imgur.com/YK5h7lx https://imgur.com/q6nbhmv
  13. Sorry for the busted links, must be the hosting site I'm using. I can repost if anyone could provide some info on how to do so.
  14. haha, Halloween last year.
  15. Got it for a little over 4k.
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