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About Stackedfish

  • Birthday February 4

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  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Cars
    1979 620 king cab
  • Interests
    Finding new ways to burn myself
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  1. Took the heater core and the radiator in for testing yesterday. Heater core passed the pressure test with only 1 of very small crack found which will be braised up when the core is flushed to remove debris. As I expected, the main radiator is cooked. Needs a new hand made core to the tune of $625 NZD. I'm not keen for the cheap aluminum replacements. Buy once, cry one in my opinion. Interesting thing the technician mentioned about the radiator. He said its unusual to see a three core radiator on a 2.0L petrol engine, usually he only sees them on diesels. Those of you with factory L20Bs, do you have three core or two core radiators ? The replacement will be a two core to save costs. Tech reckons it will provide ample cooling. Anyways, hope your all going swimmingly and giving those dattos some love if your in lockdown.
  2. Awesome template to get your own flavors going on there. Very keen to see where you head with it. I've found IMGUR pretty awesome as a third party photo management tool. Just copy the BBC Code into your posts and away you go.
  3. Awesome cheers for that.
  4. With the dash being re-assemble i thought it would be a good time to fit another stereo. I want to keep the interior looking period, so I bought this AM Sanyo FT4301 which I am planning on wiring up with a Bluetooth receiver to get some modern functionality. I have searched high and low for a wiring diagram but I cant find and resources on Sanyo radios with this wiring configuration. My knowledge of electronics is limited (no multi-meter either) so any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Worth it tho aye. Do you have the embossed tailgate ? Tell you what tho, nothing like having a project to tinker with during this lock down.
  6. Small world. Yeah I bought the truck off Louis about a year and a half ago. The truck is up in Hamilton now. I wish it still had that canopy.
  7. Was actually a re-spray job with some texture rattle can paint. Not expecting it to remain perfect but it looks much better than its original state. Will likely cover with a dash protector.
  8. Long time between drinks on this one. Still chipping away but very slowly. Completed the dash board restoration earlier in the year. I think it came out alright.
  9. Its been a while. Unfortunately we were very limited in free time while we were in the states and missed the Southwest BBQ which would have been awesome to check out. Managed to visit Monterey, Sana Cruz, San Jose, San Fran and Tahoe while we were in Cali. which blew our minds being from little old NZ. Anyways, due to a change in jobs and me having to get the truck out of the old work place and back home, I've been very limited as to what I can work on. The dash was severely cracked so I decided to tackle it by widening the cracks and filling it with flexible filler. The metal backing also got a sanding and re-spray with matte black paint. I'm struggling to settle on a texture spray for the dash board as I haven't been able to find one with a vinyl (ish) finish.
  10. Awesome that would be a huge help. Yeah we'll be in California from tomorrow for close to two weeks. If someone had one they are willing to part with flick me a message and we can go from there.
  11. Left hand drive. Was imported into NZ from California
  12. While im in the states does anyone have a plastic steering column surround in good condition that they would be keen to sell ? Mine has a big ole hole in the top of it. Would also be keen on a retro Cali licence plate for the wall of the garage back home.
  13. It wont be sitting for long. Just a couple of months while we visit the USA and Europe. Here in New Zealand you will see a similar towing culture however, the trailer ratings tend to be ignored to a degree haha. Our ute's (pickups) are significantly smaller than the USA (3.0 - 3.6 litre turbo diesels) with tow ratings maxing out around 3.5 ton. For large/long hauls people will pay for tow/haulage to save the hassle of buying large and expensive trailers. Looking forward to seeing the USA for the first time. We'll be in Califonia and Virginia over three weeks.
  14. A big thanks to the bro Scott for sending me through a few photos of the old girl from when he owned it. Pretty cool seeing all of these photos of how she use to look. Wish it still had the canopy !! I'll be looking for a new left hand side door next year (the red one) if anyone has one in good nick floating around.
  15. UPDATE: Engine has been re-assembled and mated to the transmission. Big thanks to Sanil to letting me borrow his hoist. I'm off to a new job closer to home meaning i have to shift the truck out of this awesome workshop. Cab and tray have been temporarily fitted back onto the chassis for transport. Will take a break from working on her until the funds come back up next year. 2019 will see the engine fired, cab and tray blasted/dipped, filler and primed ready for paint.
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