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About geob415

  • Birthday 04/12/1994

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  • Location
    San Rafael
  • Cars
    1973 Datsun 240z
  • Interests
    Bay Area sports and Sonoma Drifts.
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  1. Hey Everyone, I was wondering if anyone had a hi resolution pdf,png or phtos I can download here. I know there are some here but are hard to see due to image quilaity. I would really appreciate if someone could upload a new one for 1973 specifically. I had to rewire a brand new 1970 style wiring harness from Zcardepot so a refrence would be able to help once i install it in the Z. Thanks!
  2. Hey eveyrone, I was scrolling through Zcardepot and I noticed that they had a new early model wiring harness for sale. The ad explains that it works for early cars but not for later model 240Z's. I was wondering if anyone knew where Zcardepot bought this kit from and where I can find one specifically for a 73 240z. I know this one would work but i'd have to modify it which is not ideal when it comes to wiring. Also, If anyone knows where I can find a brand new stock wiring harness that would be amazing. Here is the ad for the wiring harness: https://zcardepot.com/products/engine-wiring-harness-original-style-240z https://imgur.com/nPjF7i5 Thanks!
  3. As an 1973 240Z owner I had a few questions for those who bought the new Skillard Aluminum Center Console. Was it worth it? Did you prefer your stock center console or enjoy the practicality of the new aluminum center console. Does it fit well and if so do do you reccomend it? I'm asking because im debating on either spending around $400+ for a used one but knowing that there's a replacment aluminum one for about half the price. What do you guys think? Thanks! Link to new console:https://skillard.com/product/datsun-240z-260z-280z-aluminum-center-console/
  4. My 73 240Z had some crusty seats so I decided to buy a set of Scheel-Mann 500's from my buddy's Bimmer shop in San Mateo. What do ya'll think? As a former E30 and E36 M3 owner i feel like I found a fun weird choice for the Z! I'll post updates on the install process soon and if anyone is running these in their Z or 510 lemme know! I'm curious to see how these seats look like in other Z's or 510's Have a good one ya'll! Scheel Mann seats:https://imgur.com/a/DYXOaYo
  5. Hey everyone, I'm running a Mishimoto Radiator with a mechanical Fan is there a shroud for this setup? I know people usually go electric with this but if there's a way to keep using the mechanical fan I'd be happy to just buy the shorud and not an electrical fan. Thanks! Photo of my 240Z: https://imgur.com/a/bFiUVwi
  6. Last week i finally got around to installing the new dash I bought form Vintage Dashes. I still need wiring everything up but as of right now I think it looks amazing in my 1973 240Z. I have a Nardi Classic that's going in to replace that old steering wheel. Take a look: https://imgur.com/gallery/eZk6ttQ
  7. I bought the 930 CV axle kit and the STI stub axle adapters back in 2018. The CVs fit perfectly— the WCR Wrx Sti stub axles didn’t.
  8. Those look smaller than the stubs that I have— I also found out that futofab doesn’t supply the WCR brand stubs because of durability issues. I need to make a post about that as well for an update.
  9. Hey Everyone, A few weeks ago I posted in the forrums about an issue I ran into with WRX STI stubs from Futofab that were supposed to fit my Mechanica r180l STI diff(3.9) for the conversion which is why I bought the 930 axle kit. The 930 axle kit works amazing but the seperate stubs Ihad to buy from Futofab didn't work As you can see in this video the Williams Machine stubs are physically smaller copmared to the Futofab stubs. Luckily, I had some refrence photos from the awesome people here on the Ratsun forrums to point out the slight differnces in the two stubs Take a look here at the video and pictures to see for yourself. Zcardepot bought a bunch of these stubs from Williams Machine a while back so if anyone has a 3.9 Mechanical r180 differential that's looking to do this swap you should buy them from John Williams himself or Zcardepot. https://www.instagram.com/p/CbV9H--lCU9/ https://imgur.com/a/kMH76PW
  10. Hey everyone, the Futofab WRX STI Stub axles didn't work but the Williams Machine one did. I wasn't crazy and the stubs from Futofab were bigger than neccesary. the Stub axles I bought from Williams Machine fit in after 3 hammer smacks and are physically smaller stubs. Thank you so much for th einput fellas. The refrence pictures made a big deal. Take a look at the difference on this video here https://www.instagram.com/p/CbV9H--lCU9/
  11. Unfortunately no, I went onto the Datsun Facebook Forums and found an old post from John Williams, he is currently making more stubs so I will be giving him my business. It sucks that I paid almost $600 for a part that doesn't work. Luckily I've bought some products from John Williams before and I will be happy to wait for him to manufacture new stubs for my diff.
  12. Should I be concerned with these marks on my stub shaft. It appears that th esplines on my diff are hitting the stub shaft. If you look closely in the purple circle you can see where the marks are hitting. Perhaps my clips aren't all the way in? https://imgur.com/gallery/wd8eHqf
  13. Here’s another video where I use a mallet on the stub, it’s lined up where it’s supposed to.
  14. Hey Fellas, I'l take a look into the advice with the circlips. I think that's where the issue is. I took the Diff cover off and confirmed its an 05 STI Mechanical Diff. Here's a video of me trying to push them in. I think you guys are aright with the clips. I'll see how that goes. I'll post updated photos and videos. Here's a clip before I mounted the diff.
  15. Hey Everyone, I seem to be running into a problem with the Futofab Stub Shafts for my 240Z. The Stub shafts seem to be too long for my Subaru R180 Mechanical LSD. If you look at the photo here you'll see that it's sitting way too far out in order to hold diff fluid. Am I not putting these in right or did Futofab sell me the wrong stubs? I was wondering if anyone else has ran into this issue. I counted the splines and they are 27 on the stubs. They also turn the diff too if I move it. It's just way too far out. Thank you in advance! Photo of stub: https://imgur.com/a/cDYnBLphttps://imgur.com/a/cDYnBLp Photo of mechanical 3.9 STI Diff: https://imgur.com/a/whb84QW
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