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Everything posted by natesmith8

  1. If I take all the fuses into an auto part store, will they know how to replace them? Or should I tell them anything specific? As for the fuse box, just unplug it, with all the fuses out of it, and put it in a container with lemon juice and salt overnight? Do i put any water in the solution as well or no?
  2. So, I need to have the fuses put in, and the ignition switch on, then check the top left and right with the multimeter?
  3. Ok, just checked the harness switch, I don't think it is that, it was in there firm, nothing looked wrong with any of the wires and nothing looked loose for as long as I could follow the wires. What is the next thing I should check?
  4. Alright Fellas! Sorry that I have been out of town for this last week and was unable to check on any of the above. I am now back and have went out to check some of the things that have been mentioned here. 1st thing: I checked each of the fuses with my new multimeter. (It took a few video tutorials to know how to use it properly) If you look at the pictures that I shared, if you look at the fuses, the top left and the top right are both bad. I don't know what those two correlate to with the engine. Could this possibly be the problem? 2nd thing: I think my battery must be dead because I went to check on the dash lights and all that, and now I'm not even getting anything on my headlights. We know those worked after what happened since I had checked those already. So possibly dead battery now due to lack of use? I will go down now and check if the harness plug has fell out of the ignition switch (as long as there is somewhere online that can show me how to do that) Thanks for everything so far, believe it or not, I have already learned a lot!
  5. I started a photo bucket, like I was suggested to do. Here is a link to the pictures I have taken thus far. http://s377.photobucket.com/user/natesmith8/library/?sort=3&page=1
  6. Hey Fellas, Sorry for the late reply, I was out all day yesterday. Like I said before, I am an absolute novice at engine repair or anything of the sort. If you all give me a specific tasks to look at, I can find enough information online to be able to get you a pretty decent answer back. I also can do any test that does require specialized tools if that helps. I just wanted to give you all a heads up, some of the things stated above were a little to broad and foreign for me to have any idea how to look at it. As of right now, I am headed down to check the fuses. It seems like that is where a few of you believe I should start. BTW, anyone know where the fuse box is? It will make life easier than searching for an hour. haha Sorry for being an idiot about all this, I'm trying hard to learn about it, but its taking time. Thanks again for all your patience and help!
  7. Is there a way to post pictures on here? I took a few
  8. Im not getting anything at all. Completely silent and dead.
  9. Not at all. There is no power whatsoever
  10. Hey Everyone, I have come here a couple time and you all have been able to solve my problem almost immediately, so, I am here again. I am a complete novice at engine repair (as a heads up) I was driving one day out about 40 mph and the truck suddenly lost all power. The alternator is pretty new, replaced about 1.5 years ago. The battery has also been checked and it is good. I had someone tell me that it could either be a spark plug or the fuel pump. Any other ideas or help on this would be appreciated! If you need pictures, let me know and ill post them on here! Thanks again everyone!
  11. Ok, I went into rock auto, under what vehicle clutch kit i needed and it came up with 4 options. One from Valeo, AMS Automotive, Sachs, and Brute Power. Do you know if there is any difference between these or which you would recommend me going with? Thanks again, I'm new to this forum and to mechanical maintenance in general, i really appreciate the help!
  12. i With the info I just gave draker, do you still think this is what i need to do?
  13. Thanks Draker! The kit i have currently is from rock auto, I just got the 74 clutch kit. If that gives you an understanding of exactly which kit I have in my possession now that isn't the same size as the one we are taking out
  14. Hey everyone! I'm new around here and not sure where to find the info I'm looking for but I'm assuming someone can direct me. My clutch has went out and I have tried to get 3 separate clutch kits in to replace it and the pressure plate in all the new kits I'm trying to use are about 3/4" bigger than the original I'm taking out. Can anyone assist me with this? Thanks!
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