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Posts posted by J-Grams

  1. Thanks for all the responses folks! So I think I'm going to try and repair this one I have for now. Once I pulled off the cover it actually looked pretty good. The arm is very damaged by rust. I'm going to do a thorough cleaning and see what's left of it. I don't have high hopes as it was practically crumbling apart in my hands. Might have to replace that and I definitely need a new float. I think the remnants of the float was what I heard shaking around in the tank.

    • Like 1
  2. Does the VIN plate say 1962 or 1965, the grill doesn't matter, it could have been changed at any point in the last 50+ years, what matters is that the VIN plate numbers and the title numbers match.

    The grill is a 1965, 1965 came with column and floor shift, 1962 only came as column shift.

    The VIN plate says 1965

    • Like 1
  3. 62 did not have Datsun embossed on the tailgate. Is it a floor shift or column shift?

    It's column shift. And apparently I was mistaken, it's a '65! I couldn't quite see it on the VIN plate before because of the hood having an issue opening all the way, but on the title it says it's a '62. VIN number matches however so somewhere the info got entered incorrectly. But either way I'm happy with it.

    • Like 1
  4. If you end up parting out a 64 I'm sure you will get lots of interest in various bits and pieces (including from me!).  

    I just looked at it today and it's in decent shape all around, but the inside of the cab is just great! I'm going to pull the trigger and get it. I'll let ya all know when I get it back to the shop

    • Like 1
  5. I agree the parts are going to be a tough find. I might have just lucked out however. I found a '64 that might just have everything I need and it is cheap. I'm supposed to look at it today but the guy is being a bit flaky. Let's hope he gets back to me because this would solve all my problems.

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  6. IMG_0194_zpse2xifcw3.jpg


    I got rid or my 720 which gave me a lot of trouble and then I felt like I needed another Datsun in my life. So I picked this up last week in Colton, OR. I'm new to the 320's but from what I was told it's a 1962. I'm pretty excited to get this project going this summer but I'm still missing a few things, so if anybody has any extra of these parts lying around or knows where to find them let me know: front bumper, original steering wheel(the one on it right now is a bit ridiculous), and a front windshield(I have a feeling this is going to be a tough find). Hopefully I can get some more pictures up soon

    • Like 2
  7. Howdy folks,

     Well on my way home from work today my truck started maybe a pretty loud constant knocking sound and it seems to shake the whole truck. This happens only when I press the gas. It has low power and I can barely hit 55 on the freeway(I was just happy I made it home!). It's also stalling out quite a bit in neutral but not all the time. Any ideas on what the cause of this is would be much appreciated. I'm pretty new to working on cars so I don't know quite where to begin the diagnosis.




  8. Howdy folks,

    Well I had an interesting day with my truck. It snowed a bunch where I live and conditions were poor to say the least. But on my way up to Mt Hood, I started noticing some electrical problems:


    The radio started cutting off with the upstroke of the wipers and turning back on with the downstroke.


    My turn signals and hazards ceased functioning


    Finally, the car stalled out and wouldn't start again.(After the car stalled out I got the hazards to work momentarily and then I tried to switch them on and off again and got nothing)


    Well after I got a ride to work and worked all day, I came back to my truck and it started up. I was letting it run for a while while I was cleaning all the ice and snow off and then it died again(I'd say it was running for about 10 minutes). When trying to start it seems like it starts to turn over but doesn't quite get all the way and sometimes nothing happened at all.


    Well thankfully I got a ride home and I'm leaving it on the mountain today. Any ideas on the issue would be much appreciated. I gotta get this thing home!


    Thank you,




    • Like 1
  9. Update for my truck! I replaced the the spark plugs, wires, distributor cap and rotor. Everything has been running great for the past week and I got the idle to an acceptable level. The plugs and the cap were especially crusty, definitely needed replacing. Thank goodness I didn't need to get into the mixture set screw! Thanks again for all the help and Happy Thanksgiving



  10. It's a lovely place, this Mosier, OR. Small town of about 500 but it's got a great little bar called The Rack and Cloth. I highly recommend it.


    So truck was performing beautifully on the freeway but funny thing is I'm back to my original problem of it stalling while in idle. Haha! On my second test run it showed up. Had to adjust the idle speed set screw again and it's chugging along. I just bought a new spark plugs, wires, distributor cap and rotor. Going to install them on Monday. While I'm into that I'm going to give the idle cut solenoid another look over.


    Hopefully I get this little issue worked out and then it's time to upgrade some parts.

  11. Well folks I just got the new fuel filter in. It was an epic journey and had to bike 7 miles into town and back, but mission successful! I took it out for a spin this morning and all those symptoms seem to have disappeared. Ran pretty smooth I must say. Haven't taken it out on the freeway yet, just these country roads but I got it up to 60 with no troubles, so I'm sure it will be fine. Thank you everybody for your help.

  12. So I'm continuing to have issues with this truck, I don't know if it was related to the last issue, or if my altering the idle set screw did anything.


    Rhino13, I checked the choke and once I get it warmed up it seems to stay open.


    But the new issue is that I'm losing power at speeds of about 45 mph and above. The engine seems to sputter, but I can let the gas off and it stops till I put the gas on again. Also I noticed when going up hills at lower speeds(2nd gear) the trucks starts rocking pretty violently until I take the gas off. Any ideas?


    Thank you,



  13. Well folks I've had some luck! I checked the idle cut solenoid and it seemed to be working fine. I tinkered around with the idle speed screw some more and finally found a decent place where it doesn't stall on me when in idle. However, the idle rpms are a bit high, I don't have a tachometer so I can't give out a reading, so it's does shake a bit when I turn it off and seems a bit clunky in 1st gear. But I'm happy it's running well enough to drive again!


    Thanks for all the help!

  14. Howdy folks!

     New to this forum and new to working on vehicles in general but so far I'm having a great time with it. So I just bought this  '84 720 about 2 months ago. Everything was running great, but the other day it started to stall out whenever it's in idle. On a cold start it will do fine but after about 10 minutes it will start stalling out in idle. So then I have to give it gas constantly to keep it from stalling. I've adjusted the idle speed screw(about 5 turns CCW) but it hasn't seemed to help at all. I checked all the vaccuum lines, didn't see anything wrong, but then again I'm new to this so I don't know if I missed anything.


    Oh yeah on the day it happened, I was driving up this bumpy as hell country road and when I got to my destination I noticed the positive side battery cables popped off and was dangling probably for awhile. Right after I put that back on is when  the issue arose. Plus the temperature dropped in the area I'm living (Mosier, OR) if that counts for anything.


    Any help would be much appreciated,



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