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    1987 Plymouth Turismo Duster, 1974 VW Bug Conv
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    Vintage synthesizers

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  1. Hey gang, I have a 1979 Datsun 210 wagon and I am trying to find front left and right calipers so I can drive home for the holidays. I am striking out with the local chain parts stores here in Columbus, OH. Rockauto shows them but when I add them to my cart they show they are out of stock. Does anybody know if maybe another model Datsun is cross-compatible? Any suggestions of a source online I could try to order from? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I'm tracking down a remote starter and trying suggestions. I put one of my batteries on my charger. It has a display that shows the voltage it reaches and a percentage of battery charged. My battery reaches 12 volts, but shows about 70% capacity and it never reaches "charged" status, so this may be a big part of issue especially since it started doing this when the temps have dropped into the 20's-30's here at night and in the morning. I was able to get to work and back today, but it took about 5 tries and a lot of clicking/grinding each time. Believe it or not, this has been my daily driver for the past 6 months lol. Airbags are for losers!
  3. Hello good folks of Ratsun, my 1979 210 wagon has always had (for the 3 years I have had it) an issue with turning the key and the dash lights come on, but as you turn the key to start position it doesn't do anything. Typically happens after the engine is warm, I run into a store for 5 min, come back out and it does that. Turning it back off and on a few times and it fires up. A couple days ago, when I would start it up it would start to turn over the engine I would get a really loud clicking sound, sort of like when you have a dead battery, which is what I thought. Charged battery, same problem. Sounds like it's gonna start, then click click click click. After a few tries this morning, it fired up. I swapped a used starter from a parts engine last year when I was having starter problems. That one failed, and I recently replaced the starter with a cheapo $30 one like 6 months ago. Probably need to try a better quality starter, but I am wondering if there is something else related to the actual switch in steering column where the key goes, or the ignition switch maybe? I saw in another post it could be a problem with old wires not sending full 12 volts and possible relay fix, I'm not real sure how to hook that up. Any help is appreciated.
  4. Thanks for all the replies guys....I think I'm going to try the floor jack approach and gently lift up the corner in an attempt to reverse the damage caused by the downward push of the cargo van bumper. I doubt it will untwist the bumper, but maybe. I'm a bit nervous of causing damage to the body where the shock mount is bolted...maybe it's safer to find a replacement shock first that isn't bent and try and straighten the bumper off the car.
  5. Here is a pic of the shock/bracket where it mounts to body :
  6. It would look pretty sweet without it! However, in Ohio "No person shall operate upon a street or highway any passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle, or truck registered in this state without a bumper on the front and rear of the vehicle if such vehicle was equipped with bumpers as standard equipment by the manufacturer." I'll try and pull it off this weekend. Thanks guys, I'll report back....
  7. I was in a giant Dodge Ram cargo van moving my bands gear yesterday. My 1979 210 wagon was in the parking spot to the right of the van. I pulled out and turned right, and the bumper of the van rolled over the bumper of Old Blue, and pushed it downward. Thankfully it wasn't worse, I'm so mad at myself! I forgot the wagon was next to the van, it's amazing how small and low to the ground the wagon is compared to modern cars. Anyhow, a friend suggested using a floor jack to try and bend it back. I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Any suggestions on what to do? I'm not sure what they are called, but the tubes behind the bumper that collapse when impacted seem OK other than being bent downward, and the bumper seems OK, not creased or bent.
  8. I did save it...Is this a part that can be rebuilt/refreshed?
  9. I finally got around to having some time to work on this issue. After cleaning all connections and making sure all wires were getting good contact, it was still starting sporadically, would take 3 to 4 tries before it would kick over. Today was warm enough (35 degrees F) to work on it...I don't have a garage, so I have to work on it outside. I went to the pile of spare parts the original owner gave me, and grabbed one of the starters (he gave me 2 additional complete engines, and a transmission with my wagon when I bought it). Switched them out, and it fired right up. Yay! I know it's not a very complicated job, but for me it was the first time I did any mildly successful work on an older car. The part that took the longest was getting the starter mounting bolts loose, holy hell. I don't have any jack stands, so I just reached in from the top and getting any leverage on the lower bolt was really difficult. I sprayed liquid wrench and kept at it and it finally broke free. Thanks again for all the help guys.
  10. Sorry I haven't had a chance to post in a few days. I had a slight setback....as I was making sure the connections on the coil were snug, I tightened the pos terminal too much and sheared off the bolt. There is just enough protruding to hang the round connector from the wire, but not enough to wind a nut around. I'm assuming I cannot open up the coil and insert a new bolt....looks like replacement coil is about $30.00, so I guess I'll just replace it...at least that will eliminate the coil as a suspect. Elkie, thanks for the wiring answer...my guess is that maybe this is why my wagon idles so fast and has a hard time "kicking down" when it's cold. I should have a chance to borrow a remote starter and try the test this Sunday.
  11. Thanks again for the advice, I will be able to buy a remote starter on Friday when I get paid. I wanted to post a couple pics, the PO has what appears to be the windshield washer fluid pump wired right off the battery. (This doesn't function, I have a new one but haven't installed it yet). The second photo is just showing the starter...the spade connector is making contact but it's not super snug...I'm going to strip that wire and attach a new one. In the third photo there is a wire with an open bullet connector hanging loose and not attached to anything. Does anybody know if that was perhaps the original feed to the pump?
  12. I turned the key twice. Each time it makes the "clunk" sound...try 3 made same sound but instantly followed by strong start. Unfortunately I still did not have time to do more yesterday, and this morning it started in the same manner. Insert key, turn far right to start, "Click-CLUNK" nothing (well aside from quick dimming of oil/amp lights when key is held fully right) , turn key back to OFF, try again "Click-CLUNK", nothing, try 3d time "Click-CLUNK-VRROOOOOM"....
  13. All I've had a chance to do so far is charge the battery. The battery showed 13.5 volts and 95% charged according to my charger. Put it on and let it get to 100%. Dropped it in, it fired up on first try....quickly stalled....then it took 2 tries and it fired up again. Drove it this morning into work, same thing, started after a couple tries. I'm hoping this points to a wiring/connection/grounding issue. I also noticed the alternator belt has some worn spots and needs replaced. I'm wondering if it's slipping some and causing the battery to not charge fully, but just a wild guess. Hoping to have time this afternoon to clean/tighten ground cable and check the wiring/connectors and key switch.
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