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    1977 280z

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Will do. It's kind of hard to trace wires upside down sometimes so i figured I'd start there :p
  2. ran a ground to it, nothing. does it matter where i put the ground on the switch itself? i did it on the body of the switch as it looks to me like it creates ground where it touches the dash frame. I suspect sonehow my running lights are the culprit. after I fix my leaky wheel cylinder so its driveable again, I'll tackle this issue once more.
  3. oh snap. that makes me wonder if I plugged it in wrong when I was fixing my heater. it doesn't dim with the switch but it does turn off with it. also, my wiring has been tampered with prior to me getting the car. I have 3 kill switches to start it, one for heater, one for engine power, and one for stereo. I recently started re attaching my running lights as they were not hooked up. one currently works and one has a burnt bulb, haven't finished the other two yet.
  4. All fuses are brand new and all fuse contacts have been cleaned with fine sand paper :) I'll give the ground a shot.
  5. Apparently, it does not. I could have sworn it did after I installed it....
  6. I recently got a new issue with my 77 280z. all of my dash lights stopped working except my heater selector bulb. I've checked everything I can think of, fuses, grounds, I checked the bulbs and they're good, even changed the rheostat. all my other exterior lights still function normal, dome light still works. I'm at a loss as of what to check now. anyone else have a similar issue, and what did you do to fix it?
  7. New member, figure I'd start by posting a pic of the car. This is shortly after the primer was layed on. hopefully the weather will warm up just long enough for me to paint it....but probably not until spring. It's a 77 280. Waiting on some OT to open up at work so i can buy the front lip and rear wing. eventually I'll bondo the few tiny dents. but for now, primer she is!
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