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    '77 620 KC

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  1. Before Pics: PO had done a bit of body work and didn't even it out. I was a little concerned it would show through, but the plastidip is fairly thick so it's pretty even. Thanks, I used 3 gallons of prethinned (I believe about 50% mixed with mineral spirits or similar) plastidip. It ran around 60$ per gallon. And to Kirden's point yes I did order from DYC.
  2. Painted the Datsun the other day with Plastidip. For those of you unfamiliar it's a rubberized coating that is often sold at hardware stoles in aerosol form. You can order it in prethinned gallons and use a sprayer to get a more uniform coat. When you are tired of it, you can peel it off but holds up fairly well.
  3. Ok that makes sense. It also makes sense that my gas pedal wasn't doing anything... because it was already in that stage. Possible it was flooded but I will check it out tomorrow to see if it made a difference. It may just be an adjustment of the choke, needless to say I really just need to understand how these systems work before I can determine why it's doing something. Thanks for all the help, I'm sure I'll be back.
  4. Ok time out! I just went out, opened the butterfly all the way with my finger and the truck started immediately. So forget everything I have mentioned to this point. Whatever controls the butterfly opening when I hit the gas pedal before starting is my issue. Why would it not open?
  5. Hmm ok, so it comes down to weather or not the butterfly is working properly. If I recall correctly when I hit the gas pedal the pedal should change the butterfly position correct? This just came to mind. When truck was warm and started to cool off (had sat for 30 minutes or so) it would only start if I had my foot pressing the gas pedal down completely. Otherwise it would just crank. Possible this could be fuel pressure/fuel pump related?
  6. Brand new carb from redline. I have been through their troubleshooting guide and confirmed everything on the truck side is peachy. Warm the truck starts wonderfully. In warm weather the truck started well including right after I put the carb on. I started to notice that when it got cold it had trouble starting and as the weather started turning it would just crank and crank and crank. If I started it up a little later in the day it started easier. I could be crazy but this points to the choke to me. Truck is completely cold it looks like this: I tried kicking the gas pedal 5-6 times and it doesn't move. Here is the after pic, but it looks the same. So I did bust out the multimeter and when I switched the ignition to on, I got NO power from the 12v but as King Rat just mentioned, I do need power when I do get it working and probably isn't my immediate issue. Other relevent info, timing is set, I've been dialing in the fuel mixture but it runs fairly well now minus backfiring when I floor it and let off. New plugs and new oil. Carb as I said is just a few weeks old.
  7. That's what I was thinking but that's how these things turn out... Will bust out the multimeter when I am home tonight. Thanks guys.
  8. Just put on a new Weber 32/36 DGEV and I have verified the choke isn't kicking on, as in the butterfly is wide open when cold and no change when I kick the throttle. I have connected the wire but it might just be an adjustment? N00b question for sure, but do I really just loosen the screws and turn it clockwise.... or counterclockwise? Should I turn it a quarter turn and the throttle should close the butterfly?
  9. was great meeting a few of you guys today!
  10. I might be interested in buying those celica seats from you, of course I'm not the smallest guy ever myself.
  11. Dude you are the man. Seriously, thanks for all your help thus far and thanks to everyone else. Ratsun is one of my favorite forums I've come across over the yrs.
  12. Backed timing off a hair and started right up. I'll let it sit for awhile and verify she's fixed after she sits for an hour. Warm start ups were the worst. Now on to the light backfiring and randomly fast idle. Seems choke related.
  13. It;s just the fact that it started all of a sudden that makes me think it would be something else. I'll leave it as an option though.
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