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Everything posted by Datsunrider71

  1. Okay bro thanks but my pant has no clear will that still work
  2. From the iPhone it looks like a pain in the ass lol.
  3. Looks like a pain in the ass lol.
  4. Datsunrider71

    How do I

    Past a pic on this!!!!!!
  5. I took them off the other day to regap them and the wet with gas. Where can I read up on that
  6. Thanks bro :) yeah i do every where I go but I get the Occasional hater looks but I just Laugh and smh at them. I think that paint is dead bro it has no shine but if you say I can get her shining again how can I do that
  7. Thanks budd.t I'm going to show you guys the bad in a few
  8. To be real with you idk if the compression is off I will have to check that. No oily or gas smell but their always some white crap on the rad cap every time I open to add coolant because the coolant gets spit out, bubbles I don't know I would have to check later when I get home and tell you if it happens. I will I know if it's the gauge?? I don't think so how will I know if the ignition timing was retarded? Are one or more plugs mysteriously cleaner that the others? What to you mean here Valves are lose The carb is acting up on me so it could be a jet I know it's tuned messed up I'm trying to tune it but I can't get the sweet spot Are your plug porcelain insulators white around the tips. what r those?
  9. That's all I have for now, when I go to the crib I'll take pics of her cancer :(
  10. http://s1345.photobucket.com/albums/p667/71PLDriver/?action=view¤t=null_zps78746217.jpg&evt=user_media_share Did it work??
  11. Your lucky man I would love to find a deal like that up here, just got to keep a sharp eye out for one I know I will find one day :)
  12. Yeah I found one on eBay for the same price lol, I want that bumper so bad thats what makes the car in my eyes the Crome shining you know :)
  13. Fuck that I'm not diving her if that happens.. I hope you SX can stand that
  14. @KlassicMotino I like those back bumpers but those ant the one I'm talking about hehe
  15. That's what's happening to me bro smh, when it was colder out it only heated up just a lil passed the normal temp, but now she heats up quick :/
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