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About Butch_6sic6

  • Birthday 05/27/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Vredenburg, South Africa
  • Cars
    19?? 620
  • Interests
    Anything DIY
    Custom works
  • Occupation
    Safety Officer

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  1. Another few updates... Started working on the rear backing plates and found out that the wheel cylinders at the back was leaking. Sent them in to get honed but unfortunately the damage was too severe inside and was pitted. I searched for a while for new ones but got nothing. A few days later a shop told me that he had wheel cylinders laying on the shelf for months from a 720 and told me if I could make it work he'll give to me for half price. Here is the difference between the two. Everything was basically the same dimensions except the mounting spigot at the rear so I gave it a go. This was after I cleaned the plate a bit. Here is a closer look. A few minutes later with the help of a rotary cutter and a file..... Test fitted it and it sits real good with no play at all. Finished both sides and cleaned them up, masked and gave it a few coats of etch primer. Then I hit another lil speed bump..... When I was gathering all the loose parts for both backing plates, I notices that only one side had the little brass keeper plates that holds the self adjusters. And that's when I realized why they were missing. The ''T'' broke off the one self adjuster at some stage and the brass plates had to fall off some where along the line.... So that is where I am at the moment..... Time to brainstorm, I doubt that ill find a new one here or even a used one.. Suggestions guys?? (I was thinking to weld it up with a TIG welder but realized that it was pewter and not aluminum, then I thought why not cut off the remaining "T" and file it flat, drill & Tap a hole and fix it down with a bolt and fender washer?) Thanks for viewing guys... See YA
  2. OK guys, I'm back with some more updates on the project... Finished putting back aal misc parts back on the front. Cleaned the front back plates Cleaned the adjusters and cylinders Assembled back on the chassis Fitted the drums Thats it for now, I know I'm going slow but I feel if I put too much time in at once I usually get tired and start rushing things just to get it done Cheers for now.. Thanks for your comments
  3. Hey guys I have been really lazy lately for not putting up any new pictures So here's what I have done so far... Finished painting the diff.. Cleaned up the transmission (what a pain) Etch primed... 2 coats of silver paint Really glad how the trans turned out in the end.
  4. For those that dont know what i'm talking about (I think i've been a little too confusing trying to describe it) Images from www.carpartsmanual.com Item number 19 = BOLT-LOCK SWIVEL PIN # 40023-25660 Item number 22 = PIN-COTTER,FULCRUM PIN # 40023-B5000 That is the 2 pins I can't get out... don't really understand how to cut them off like ]2eDeYe. said unless he drilled them out...
  5. I did ask one auto store for the rubber boots but the guy just looked at me and shook he's head and said : Sir.... you'll have to buy a tie rod to get the boot... I'm thinking hes taking chances with me... Is there a thread on here that documented removing the lower control arm from the kingpin dogbone?? I'm not really getting what ]2eDeYe said by cutting it out because the kingpin lock bolt goes into the dogbone (if that makes any sense) and the lock bolt (fulcrum) at the other side (bottom) of the dogbone is the same..
  6. Oh I forgot to ask.... Basically more than half of my tie rod ends rubber boots are torn.... is there someplace that sells these loose?? I hope I dont have to buy a tie rod just for the boots...
  7. Hey there guys, it's been quite a while since I uploaded some progress on here (Busy at work and nursing the little one) but I have some more pics to show you guys of the progress so far. I decided to bend open those tabs on the leafs with a chisel and a hammer (went good) Cleaned 'em up and painted I then cleaned up some more loose misc items and painted them as well. And I basically took most of all the moving parts on the chassis and painted them RED. :devil: I wanted to do the lower control arms with the dogbones as well but I kinda ran into a problem.... The fullcrum pins are stuck quite badly and I cant get them out to seperate everything... Sorry I forgot to snap a picture of this,Anyone have some advice? Thanks
  8. Well it looks like I would not be able to take up Greiggy on his donation, I actually knew in the back of my mind its going to be an expensive way out. I did actually see another 620 standing outside some random house this weekend and will try my luck there (Thanks Greiggy) Unfortunately I got absolutely nothing done to my truck this weekend because of my 3 year old boy having measels... Will get back to the build soon
  9. Anyone have some advice on the question I asked about the leafs? Otherwise I am just going to cut them off
  10. Thanks for the advice yenpit.... I will stay in touch with Greiggy.
  11. Ok, I have one question that I forgot to ask you guys... The leaf pack is held together with 2 metal tabs thats bent around them. I want to remove the leafs and clean them up and paint them. What do guys normally do? Heat up the metal tab and bend it open, and later bend it back? Cut it off and make a new one? Or am I missing something?
  12. Thanks guys, I know there is still a lot of work. I am still 100% sure I can do this, is it going to take a lot of work? Yes, Is it impossible? NO! I have always wanted one of these trucks and because they are really scarce over here I did not have a lot of options. I am doing this one step at a time, once I have finished the complete rolling chassis I will start with the cab. Still need a good mig welder though. I have PM'd Greiggy. Anyone know where I should start to find out what the shipping costs would be from AUS to RSA? Once again thanks for the advice and opinions. If everything goes as plan this weekend, I am going to finish painting the leafs and diff.
  13. Keep wrenchin........

  14. Thanks Daniel I am trying my best to do everything as good as I can. That was an old oil container that I washed out and filled with vinigar to loosen all the surface rust on the frame.
  15. Got some more stuff in prepped for paint this weekend. Only had time for one coat primer, hopefully next weekend second coat will go on along with the silver paint. Got some primer on the over ride leafs as well Let me know what you guys think
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