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    Novato, CA
  • Cars
    1986 Nissan 720 Pickup
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  1. I just saw one like this at a junk yard. It's the z24i. Mine is on the intake manifold. I guess Nissan started August '86 doing this. Check out this page http://nissannut.com/projects/z24i_fuel_injection/ http://nissannut.com/projects/z24i_fuel_injection/EGR_cut_solenoid.jpg Hope this helps
  2. Sorry for a long delay..had to get the Wife's Wrangler ready for her Offroad adventure. Now back to my beloved 720. So after thinking about all the modifications I had to do to get the pathfinder steering pumps, connections, and misc parts to work together, I decided to go to the junk yard one last time. Well, I did find a 1985 x-cab with the whole system... Holy crap, I was so exited. Bought the whole system for $90, with brackets and the whole nine yards. But like every newb like me will always have question right? I thank you in advance for your suggestion. Now my question is. The steering box on PS models is longer thus the steering shaft from the steering wheel is short. Now this is opposite of the non-PS models. I didn't get the steering coupler part as the rubber was deteriorated. I heard people use D-21 shaft cut down. Anyone have any great ideas? I will post pics in the morning. Thanks again.
  3. i looked everywhere for it. the person that picked up the motor where these parts came out of, took the pump and the high pressure line and left the rest. now for the pathfinder lines, i will have to try using one of them as the High Pressure line. I have all the bolts and copper washers for both sets of lines. tomorrow i just need to see which ones fit the high pressure hole on the steering gear and make it work. thank you..
  4. Quick question, do they sell the fitting (pic Below) at stores like ACE or Auto parts store? i got pipes and benders and rubber hoses. also, does the High Pressure Hose has to be metal all the way to the pump?
  5. hey sorry for the confusion, Koror, PW is where i'm from., not where i live..sorry sorry. i have fixed my profile. ok, here are the pics of what i got. All these came out of 85 720-ST. the line on the pic below goes into the bigger hole. from what Wayno said, this line is the RETURN line. right??? Now all all these below came out of a 94 and 88 Pathfinder. So, it comes down to one last thing...the High Pressure Supply Line... I think i can make make a bracket for the pump, find room to mount reservoir, mount my gearbox, attach steering, get all the other hoses hooked up except for the High Pressure. I'll keep looking. thanks all for your help.
  6. Yes my box looks exactly like yours. Damn, I didn't notice the size difference on the connections and the piping. So, at my first post, I mentioned when I first got the steering gear, that I scavenged a single hose...it fits on one of the fittings but I don't know if its high pressure or not. Anyway, I'm going to the garage to take pics and post. That way, we can all see and maybe some one can tell me if they are right parts or not.
  7. I thought about that when I was at the JY and found that the 88 Pathfinder fittings looks big. Since I didn't drive the truck, I couldn't verify on site. I looked around and found another Pathfinder, 1994, that has the same exact set up but the fittings on the steering gear are smaller. I went ahead and bought both setup....just to be on the safe side. Even though the 720 steering gear looks like it doesn't have the copper washers like the pathfinders, I'm hoping it will work. Oh and both pipes going across on both pathfinders are the same size. With that said, are the 720 piping different sizes? Just wondering as I have never seen them. Thanks. Yesssss!!! Diesel 521 with PS is awesome. U r the master.
  8. ****Update**** Picked up a 1988 Pathfinder steering pump, reservoir, high and low pressure hoses, and all the nuts, bolts and washers. The reasons I went with this set up is because I couldn't find a donor 720 and the Pathfinder hoses goes across from driver side to passenger side where the steering gearbox is at....kind of like the 720. Now, I forgot the pump bracket from the pathfinder which has the adjustment bracket but since I have the original 720 idler pulley, I think I can make one up. The pump will be stationary without adjustment and the idler pulley will be what'll be used to tighten the belt. I wll post pictures once I figure thing out. Thanks for all the advice and feedbacks. Any suggestions on pump brackets will be useful too. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
  9. Thanks Wayno.. Pictures doesn't put a lot of perspective to the whole set up. Thanks again...quick question, do you know what year sentra that pump/reservoir combo came out of? There are tons of sentras on this JY...
  10. Thank you Datzenmike. I will try the pathfinder set up as it is the closest J/Y to me. Will post pics when I'm done with the project..
  11. Good day all, Just picked up an early 86 720 pickup z24 for free (best deal ever) and wanting to install power steering so my wife can drive it. Went to J/Y yesterday and found a 720 with power steering but someone took the engine already. I was only able to scavenge the power steering gearbox, idler pulley w/ bracket, extra drive pulley, a bracket which I think is a support bracket for the pump, a pitman arm, a steering shaft, and a steering hose. The hose is metal on one end and rubber with clamp on the other. It doesn't have the copper washers...just look flared and nut goes into the steering rack. Anyway, I need to find me a steering pump. There is no 720 with power steering with in a 100 miles from me. I have read on the forum that people are using MR2 electric pumps but no clear explanations. Can anyone post some pictures or tell me where it goes or how it's done? I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I found a pathfinder, 85, with a pump but the reservoir is not mount directly on the pump like the stock 720 power steering set up. Has anyone made this work? Walking at the junk yard, I found a power steering pump of a 90s Toyota pickup that looks very similar to the 720. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it but figure I ask the forum first before I drive 59 miles to get it and not work. I just want to know if anyone has other options as I am a Jeep guy and this is all new to me. Thank you in advance. Happy holidays.
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