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    510 hatchback
  • Interests
    fixing my car

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  1. Do you know if this is compatible with 510 ‘78?
  2. Hi everyone. I am look for e mechanic recommendation. I have a 78’ 510 and just moved to Oakland last month. My car has been almost stolen twice and the second attempt messed up my ignition pretty bad. Long story short, I am looking for a mechanic preferably in Oakland or Berkeley. Or at the very least who I should stay away from 😉 Thanks for your advice in advance
  3. I lived in the bayview of San Francisco near a scrap metal recycling plant so I assumed it probably was a crack head, as someone also ripped the copper pipe off our building around the same time. So I walked the neighborhood looking for it, hoping someone ditched it but I never found it. I guess some one really need that windshield trim.
  4. Looking for replacement driver side windshield chrome trim and antenna for 510 '78. It was taken off my car in san francisco. Also I had my radio stolen which damaged the dash, so I am also interested in a replacement dash and original stereo if anyone has any leads.
  5. I need to replace the chrome trim for my windshield and antenna for my 1978 510 hatchback. It was stolen from my drive way in San Francisco as well as the stereo which damaged the dash. Does anyone have any leads on where to find these parts?
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