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  • Location
    Olalla, WA
  • Cars
    '79 210 coupe
  • Occupation
    Professional BB Stacker

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  1. Yep the suspense was killing me so I ripped one off. Mine have a rivet at each end and the rest of the length is glue. Really easy to plug up and yeah it will look way better with them off. Thanks!
  2. Anyone do this before? I have a 79 with Blue moulding running down the side of it. You know the stuff that runs the entire length of the car. Is it simply glued on or is there more to it?
  3. That looks great man. Just right IMO.
  4. I picked up the stockinteriors carpet kit. I'm happy with it but it is big in the tunnel area just like you said. I also had challenges with the drivers door sill area because they trimmed it so tight. A PITA to keep from pulling out from under the trim but I finally managed it. The color was pretty decent, They sent me some samples to match it up since the web sucks for color matching. I ended up with Blue 802. Anyone looking at one of these kits look for a discount code also. I saved like 8$ using one.
  5. That pea green looks great.
  6. Thanks for the pointers I really appreciate it. I'll give the collars a try and forgo cutting the springs altogether. I wonder how much I can get away with lowering using the stock cartridges. A few inches maybe or is that overly optimistic?
  7. Is the charging warning light coming on when you start the car? I had the same type of thing happen recently and it ended up that the dash warning indicator bulb was blown and needed to be replaced. Once replaced it completed the "sense" circuit and the alt started working. Another thing to check is bad grounds. If you have a voltmeter get the battery charged, start the car and with the neg probe to the neg battery terminal put the positive probe on the case of the alternator. You should have lower than .3 volts reading. If you don't find and clean the ground points on the chassis and engine block of the car. Look over the wiring for the ground as well, with cars this old it isn't uncommon for the wire to be brittle and break.
  8. I started having charging issues with my 210 last week and was essentially running on the battery. I figured it was a no brainer and I picked up an alternator and set to work. Like an idiot I picked up the new one without taking the old one in to have tested first cause it was on the way home and the core charge was only 8$. I got the new one on and had the same issue. I cleaned up my ground points after testing the case of the alternator and having the voltage read high. Still no charging. Ground is great now though. To make a long story short I did a lot of searching on the board and found an unrelated thread that touched on the charging dummy light in the dash being a potential source of the issue. Sure enough mine was blown and an 89 cent bulb was all I needed. I though I would post it up even though it was a dumb move on my part so that hopefully it will be easy to find with a search for the next guy with no idea what the hell he's doing. You can bet I'll be looking at that light to come on and go off each and every time I start my car now.
  9. The shocks and struts are in really bad shape in mine. I was considering the camero shocks for the rear and looking to see if I can fix the struts and increase the dampening with some heavier oil as well as lower the front with the collars. The big concern I have is if I should cut the springs at all (didn't know they weren't progressive rate. Thanks.) and if I do how much to achieve a better balance with the front end without bottoming the car out or making the ride harsh. I am planning to put a set of 15's under it after I get the rest sorted out and that should help improve the handling with a better profile tire. The stock size is on there now and they are pizza cutters. The sway bar is a good idea. I was looking at mine and the bushings are shot. Is there a swap that will fit or a source for aftermarket bar? I should start another thread Im hijacking the hell out of this one.
  10. Yep me too. This has been the easiest car I have worked on in years. Runs great and get awesome mileage too. Not to mention fun.
  11. It was the choke relay I *think* that caused it or possibly a bad ground. I cleaned the ground points up and no more blown fuse.
  12. Where did you pick up the split collars? Are there any particular brands that are best or I should stay away from? Im a total newb here so I hope these aren't stupid questions.
  13. I keep blowing fuses in my 79 210 for the engine control. I can't find anything about what this circuit actually does in my manual anyone have an idea?
  14. I was messing around today trying to think of a way to fix the rear pop out window on the drivers side of my 210 that has been broke since I got the car. I have two kids so I'll never hear the end of it if ONE has a functioning "cool" window. Anyway, there is a small plastic piece inside the latch that acts as a lever when opening the window that was broken on mine. The window would flop around pretty good or pop open when shutting a door. My daughter and I used some fencing wire to replace the plastic link piece and it works great, I had to drift out the pin holding the latch to the bracket and flair the end of it open a little bit when re installing it to keep the wire from sliding off with extended use. All in all it took me maybe and hour using a pair of needle nose vise grips, a drift, hammer and vise. The window functions perfect now and it was an easy fix. When the latch is closed you can't see the wire at all. Anyway I thought I'd throw it out there for anyone else needing the fix. Oh and its galvanized too! lol
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