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    old datsuns, rotarys, nissans and jap bikes
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm putting a KA 24E Manual transmission in a 79 210. How do I go about obtaining the Can/Am box? I read great things on this site and Datsun 1200 club, but I must have missed how to order. Thx
  2. I do thank tristin for the answer
  3. This isnt a forum. This is a place to piss, moan and act arrogant. So long
  4. how do i post a picture from my PC file?
  5. sorry weber 32/36 DGV. Can someone tell me how I can post a picture from a PC? Thx
  6. i have always loved your art and it has inspired to make my 411 a rat rod. Just finished putting a weber downdraft 35 series and that really woke it up. (could run 6-7 psi blow through turbo with it) provided increase main jet and 18 degree timing retard. Lowering it now, then painting it. Thx for this inspiring site.
  7. awesome! Thats a good little drive! We look forward to seeing you.
  8. Hitch! I hope you can make. I love your car! Have you been to the site? meetup.com/Central-Florida-Vintage-Japanese-Car-Club/ Ill bring a 65 Silvia..... See you there!
  9. If you want to meet other owners of vintage Datsuns and other Japanese cars, meet us in Orlando on Nov. 20th for a drive-eat-drive and a show morning. Meet at Waterford Lakes Mall in Orlando in front of Ross by 0800. Depart for first leg of drive at 0845. Register at meetup.com/Central-Florida-Vintage-Japanese-Car-Club/ if that URL doesn't work, google "meetup Vintage Japanese Car Club" and you will find the site. Hope to see you there!
  10. I set up a website using a service called meet-up.com I called it the "Central Florida Vintage Japanese Car Club" (CFVJCC). The URL doesn't seem to be working yet, but my bookmark does. I picked Sunday Nov. 20 as the first meeting....they have a calender etc. The URL is: www// meetup.com/Central-Florida-Vintage-Japanese-Car-Club/ As I get it going I will create a Ratsun.net link. This, is in no way meant to compete with Ratsun.net or NICO (which I founded) and which is now run by Greg Childs. Rather, I, like many of you, need to keep it more local when it comes to gatherings....thus my endeavor. Thx! lets stay in touch!
  11. BTW: Hitch......Old town has it all........Just not sure how to tie the two together......nice wagon...
  12. Hey thanks!!!! I appreciate the advice!!!!! and I will follow it......Do u think i should start something on the Craig's lists for central Florida? They have a venue where it looks like I could start a thread, so to speak...... I'll pick a day this eve. Thx again...
  13. Wow! No responses.......very sad....I guess the west coast wins......
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