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    1982 datsun 4x4 king cab 720

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  1. alright duly noted I'll work on that today, thanks for all your help!
  2. So according to all of your responses, my truck still has value! Here's the deal, it's cold in Denver in January and I don't have a garage or any tools so realistically I can't fix this problem without a mechanic any recommendations for datsun mechanics in Denver? Or what would any of you pay for a truck in this condition?
  3. I have no idea? I was at work while he was working with it.
  4. wow, you guys are on it! So here's what happened exactly, 2 days ago I picked up my truck from a shop who replaced the head valve seal, drove it about 20 miles and it started making a weird shaking noise like there was a part loose coming from the drivers side of the hood. I started loosing power, the noise got louder and i pulled over, once pulled over the truck was smoking pretty bad. I left it there for a couple of hours, I came back with my neighbor who's been helping me deal with the few issue's the truck has had. We poured antifreeze into the radiator and watched it all drip out the bottom, we found the radiator hose that connects into the base of the carburetor had a big hole in it, towed it to the garage and replaced the hose, then my neighbor calls me and says bad news there is water in all 4 cylinders and the only way i know that could have happened is with a cracked engine block. Sorry it took me a while to respond, yes I am in school full time and I work full time.
  5. I own a 82 king cab 4x4 720, yesterday I was told the engine block is cracked. I'm a college student and don't have time to fiddle with this thing anymore. The truck is in great shape, aside from the engine, typical rust on the wheel wells in the bed but the frame is solid. I absolutely loved this truck! What are my options? I'd hate to take it to the crusher so I'm seeing if anybody has any other idea's? Thanks guys!
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