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  1. Yeah I don't fault him for it. If he sells it its not like he'd having an easy time finding another down the road. I've certainly never seen a 610 in NY.
  2. Definitely could. I have friends on the west coast I've been meaning to visit, maybe I could buy something while I'm out there and drive it back. My preference would be to find a 620 king cab.
  3. Thanks for the advice. I talked to the owner again and he said he is looking for $5500 to $6000 for it. I'm not sure if its worth my time going to look at it for that price. I've been looking for a Datsun for awhile, and they are hard to find around here but that seems steep and I'm not a fan of automatics to begin with.
  4. There is a 73 Datsun 610 for sale here in NY, 2dr, auto. I haven't gone to look at it yet and the guy says he'll take best offer, no price listed. He says it has no rust except a couple spots around the rear window and has a dent in one door. He claims it has 33k original miles and smells like a new car. I assume it will need some work because he say in the 12 years he has owned it its barely been driven. I've never owned a Datsun since they pretty much don't exist in this part of the country and am excited to go look at it. My question is what would be a fair price for me to offer him? Also what sort of things should I look out for? Thanks for any help.
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