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lowest fuckin datsun

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  • Location
    Phoenix, Az
  • Cars
    1979 Datsun 620
  • Interests
    Tattoos, minitrucks, tittis, beer, and money.

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  1. I think i would do dirty dirty things to get my hands on a NL320. i think it would upset people if i got one as well. lol. sending PM. will have to hit up a Datsun meet one of these nights.
  2. i thought as long as you had a facebook you could view all my pics, all of my shit is set for everyone to see. you can also try http://www.myspace.com/theartofdestruction my photobucket doesnt have to many pics or you could look at that too.
  3. how about this, im going to be lazy right about now BUT here is a link to my facebook. i have well over 100 pics of this thing on there :) have fun. http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001042749191
  4. fully raised aint shit man. imagine it 2" up. thats it...no joke. still looks layed out. the rear gets more lift but the front dont get booty.i will try to get a pic of it tomorrow/ today of it lifted up. i will lift the front all the way and just lift the rear to ride height. i think you may poo a little...
  5. i didnt buy it i traded a 85 chevy suburban i was building for it. 2" bodydrop to lay rockers, 20"s, mild built 364ci. small block chevy, it was being driven at the time as well. had some love and money into it but i loved my datsun from the first pic i ever saw of it. never imagined that i would be the owner of it one day. i still remember drooling over it the few times it poped up for sale before i got it. I wouldn't take the trade back for the world.
  6. Well the price tag on the truck is much higher, but thats only because I dont want to sell it and its not posted for sale. lol. if anything i will but buying random parts. like front blinkers and shit like that. Its only illegal to drive at night because of the headlight height. besides that im pretty sure everything else is in order. i still drive it all the time though. its my only way around.
  7. i thought about side drafts but i kinda like the big ugly air cleaner houseing. its already got a 5 speed. paint will stay the same. its fully cleared. the whole frame is raw so i wanna rustmoret it and clear it. the seats will be changeing one money alouse me to. either some beat up bomber seats or a set of Jamie Jordans. i dont wanna change to much. i want it to retain everything the original builder inteded for it to have. to much respect to do TOOOO much to it. Small shit here and there. the previopus owners drove it into the dround pretty much. it was a good feeling to get the whitewalls back all the way around on it like it was when it got its magazine feature, it just sucks that when i got it its DVD feature i couldent afford the whitewalls tell 2 weeks aftrer the shoot.
  8. Thanks for putting the pic up, my comp was acting dumb thats why i just put up a link.
  9. here is a link to a pic where its turned to full lock. IT WAS NOT TOUCHING but it wasw a playing cards with away. it has taller tires on it no so it gets more negitive camber but couches just a hair turned this far. will still turn that far though. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/photo.php?fbid=118168764894548&set=a.116322118412546.7365.100001042749191
  10. the tire BARLY rests on the fender when it turns full lock. it because of the camber change and shit. Buy the DVD its in, you will see. lol.
  11. "Can you even make a three point turn in it?" The answer to this is Fuck yes i can. the lower this truck is the better it turns, and i can turn from lock to lock thank you very much. it was built to be driven low :)
  12. in AZ you dont need fenders or Turn signals. i have an arm that works. By law i dont have to have seat belts either... so i dont. Here in AZ as long as your eyes are protexted you can drive a frame with wheels and a seat. depepnding on the year of the frame you might need a seatbelt. lol. no inspections were done in a garage or signed off on, thats not the way Arizona department of motor vehicles works.
  13. I was waiting for the VIN issue to come up. lol. That was done in another state and now its titled in AZ withc means it went through an inspection because of it being an out of state title. So the He sais She says stuff can be done with that. it has passed state inspections. Im not caddyhack in disguise, im not trying to sell anything. yes it has a windshield in it now but its plext, has an OEM seal in it cut down 4" and made 2" wider along the top. AND I DRIVE THE HELL OUT OF IT! It is my Daily driver. I have had the plesure of meeting some of the people who had there hands on this build with Mike Partika (sp) and they all say its good to see it taken care of but its good to see someone driveing the shit out of it at the same time. This is the only vehicle i own, i have had it for around 5 months, i'm not giveing up ownership of it. I love this fuckin thing.
  14. Hi, i have been the owner of this truck for a few months now. its getting out on the show scene and people love seeing it out and about. kids and old folks both love it just the same. its one crazy machine and alot of fun. i know you all have seen it on here befor but im posting it again just becuse of one guy who decided he wanted to speak for all of you on this website: http://www.youdrivew.../#comment-53494 here are some pics for you to enjoy. I signed up just to thank him :) here if you would like you can also buy the DVD it i Featured in :) http://surface-dvd.com/store%20us.htm SURFACE Focus Driven
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