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  • Location
    Long Beach
  • Cars
    1984 Datsun 720 4x4

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  1. As stated, the odometer has increased 1k miles in a span of just 2 weeks. Im not sure if the tire size may have anything to do with it. But any tips would be greatly appreciated. I purchased a speedometer pinion which I will install this weekend.
  2. Thanks bro. Do I delete it by plugging the lines somewhere or how? Sorry im new to carburetors
  3. Would leaving out cause california smog to fail? i wonder what I can replace this part with.
  4. That looks promising. Just the two outlets sticking out in the back. Im wondering if it’d be good to seal them shut?
  5. Just did. Apparently it’s a discontinued item—vacuum control valve. What do I use instead?
  6. Id appreciate it. Just barely got this truck and trying to understand what needs work.
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