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    bellinham washington
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    Nissan 720, BMW 328xi

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  1. my only concern was that the crack might make it possible for the coolant to saturate the headgasket and cause it to fail but i dont even know if thats possible with the matirial that the gaskets are made of. I was thinking about maybe using the copper head gasket spray stuff because of the cracks a a few other small imperfections on the block mating surface.
  2. I've never seen that stuff before but I was allready thinking about maybe using the copper head gasket spray because of the cracks maybe I'll give this a shot. seems like it's worked good for a lot of people based on the Amazon reviews.
  3. Awesome that's what I was thinking but this is my first engine rebuild so I figured I should check with others that have more experience. I thought that spot looked like it would be prone to cracking but not too critical if it does. Thanks for the response and all the other help I've gotten from reading your other posts on here.
  4. I have a z24 engine block that I just pulled out of my nissan 720 after blowing the head gasket and overheating.I got it cleaned up and noticed there are small cracks between the coolant pasages near the head bolt holes do you guys think I need a new block? If so anyone in the bellingham/Seattle washington area have one they want to get rid of?
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