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    nissan caravan

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  1. your all very kind and j2deye online also all covers are off - but chain has not yet been removed . how does one lock the engine ? so my plan is to line the two dots at the top as the photo I was sent and the botton should be on TDC. - I presume there is a mark to line on the bottom also . then to paint and mark chain. - and remove the tensioners and then remove something else ?? tp get chain off then remove cam caps and head bolts ,
  2. I have a blown head gasket and I thought I would try myself as no one around had time. wish I hadn't I have now got to stage of timming chain and the yellow marks on chain to do not align with the marks on cogs - this is before removal - not re fit so for sure they are correct but why cant I line up these marks or how to do it and also how to remove the chain ? I have to unbolt the chain tensioners ? still wont give enough to remove chain over cog
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