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    california desert
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    datsun, nissan, bmw, vw, ford
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  1. Dwayne, now that would work, and I'm sure anyone taking up the task would have quite a few requests as long as it wasn't cost prohibitive. I find this situation rather peculiar as there are (or were) tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Datsun/Nissan King Cabs out there and am relatively certain, albeit not positive, that of all of the quarter window issues, the latch itself would rank the highest in need of a replacement just due to its design and plastic material being stressed, inevitably failing due to age and duty cycling, which then prompted my thread topic concerning the latch, or a substitute. i.e. are owners just coming up with a makeshift, jury rigged bent wire or coathanger affair to keep the window sealed up against gasket, or? Here are a couple of pics: -bmep
  2. Okay, Those are the hinges and mine are fine, it's the cam-latch mechanism I'm refering to. -bmep
  3. Hello Folks. It appears the window latches on our 720 KC's are a source of angst. What are folks doing to secure the window when the plastic cam/latch breaks? -bmep
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