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    77 280z, 80 720 King Cab

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  1. From what I see, I agree. Classifieds is a good point. I've been trying to find a junkyard with a 720 in it but I live in an area where people charge ridiculous amounts for anything that still resembles a car. Thank you for looking! I had found those. Handles tend to come attached to the glass on eBay. Will check FB Marketplace, see if anything is local.
  2. Hello all, Recently picked up a 1980 King Cab and have been working through cleaning it up so I can actually use it. One of the biggest issues is that the right rear side window latch was broken. Even worse, when I tried to remove the pins so I could try and glue it back up properly, it shattered. So it's no longer an option to repair. I tried to use the handles from a D21 but they don't line up at all. Trying to jury rig some parts from both latches also didn't really work. I haven't found any suitable replacement so far... Does anyone know about a reasonable replacement for this purpose?
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