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    1977 620
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    home restoration, comics

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  1. Thank you for the great explanation, EDM. (If it's confusing anyone, I am both "Onstad" and "achewood," depending on whether I am posting from phone or computer.)
  2. Evap cannister -- didn't know about that. What little I do know about the 620 tank is from this one schematic you can find online: https://tinyurl.com/spasdhar Is that on this diagram? So the hose I'm replacing is at the rear portion of the tank, on top. I guess where Line 30 on that diagram attaches to the receiver elbow that's closest to it. Thanks again EDM!
  3. Never bought that stuff in my life, but good to know! I'm in Portland and this thing tends to get 87-92 depending on if I'm babying it for some reason.
  4. https://tinyurl.com/5n6n2dhj the forum’s tools won’t allow “insert from url” or image uploads on either chrome or safari on iOS or macOS but hopefully this can be seen. Thank you!
  5. (See attached photo) This photo, which was taken over the right rear tire and aimed at the gas tank, shows the torn fuel line. Anyone have advice for a DIY fix in a tight little space like this? I'd rather learn to do it myself than go the garage route, and my hobby is buying weird tools. Many thanks in advance. 2DFA69DC-C463-4F1A-AA5F-E33EBC09BB74.heic
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