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    1970 521 pickup
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  1. Stroffregen bolt was seized to the bushing. I wish I could've just tapped it out, but I might be the first in decades to take the suspension apart. So it didn't come out like I should have. I had to unfortunately cut both out and will have to work out a solution.
  2. mklotz70 thanks for that video. It kinda gives me an idea. I might just have to do some experimentation This is a great vid to go for reference. There was a quick mention of spline/no spline, might explore that.
  3. Mike, Yea heat didn't work and the bushing just melted, even an air hammer failed. I watched a different video and someone just tapped theirs out. Given that the d21 is "technically" newer, I hope it will come out easier. Haa So sounds like d21 might have best chance🤔 I'll go get the d21 bolts to have and see if I can make them work some how. thanks
  4. Long story short, one of my lower control arm bolts refused to come out nicely no mater what I tried. I might be able to save one of them. That being said, what are my options for replacement? I can't seem to find any off the shelf. Maybe ask a machine shop if I manage to save one? There's a d21 at a nearby junk yard. I've also seen a video where someone uses toyota control arms and they install some energy suspension bushings and spacers. The difference is, they use coilovers and I still plan to use the torsion bar(unless I have no choice). If I go this route, will the torsion bar anchors be good with just the 2 bolts it has? I feel this is the easiest solution. A little anti-seize would have prevented this post🤣 https://imgur.com/a/dv5tRKv
  5. @Crashtd420 the threaded cap was a surprise for me too. It wasn't until my friend tried Doesn't move at all. I know it should move which is why I was trying to fix but It's on there. I probably try the pb blaster in the fitting
  6. @datzenmike Ok I will mark it. Thanks for that. Wouldn't have known It's not connected to diff on the other side. I figured it would just pull out, but I guess that's just what happens with rust If it doesn't come out, I'll leave it alone. Wanted it out of the way, but will work around Thanks for the quick reply!
  7. Having trouble removing this section of the drive shaft. Is there something I'm missing? Just wanting to check, if not, then it's back to pb blaster and probably a torch and hammer 521 driveshaft https://imgur.com/a/k6Vs0cN
  8. Well this is sort of a project between me and my dad, and he decided to bring it to a shop, so we will see how that goes. The old guy seemed knowledgeable on the truck, and definitely has more experience than me. So I guess we'll see. If not I might be learning the hard way
  9. @bilzbobagginshead gasket🤣
  10. The filter Bing there is how I got the truck, I had no idea. I will fix it
  11. Checked for leaks as much as I could. No luck. I unplugged the spark plug wires one at a time and each time it ran poorly. It's looking like it's a valve adjustment issue. Will have to see. The headmaster needs replacing it has coolant dripping from between the block and the head. Thanks for your input everybody
  12. @Stoffregen Motorsports i will check the bolts on the manifold. Maybe after running, they got loose. The gasket is new so I hope it still seals I'll have to look for info on how to adjust those bits, since rotarys don't have this stuff haha. This engine may be simple, but I still lack the experience. Thanks for pointing me where to start
  13. So back for some more help. My engine is making this noise(link). I know about lifters, rod knock, piston slap, exhaust leak. I mainly work on rotarys and those either work or they dont🤣. Anyways, so i wanted someones opinion on what could be making noise. It sounds "metallic" truck runs and drives Might also have a headmaster issue but that's another story. https://youtu.be/g3TYhtIDLp8?si=JRcG4YL7mvryHbXi
  14. Thanks for the help everyone I got it all sorted out On to the next problem😅
  15. @datzenmikeYes i placed it away from the head of the engine
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