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    Datsun 521
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    Vintage anything

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  1. Yes. It did not sell. I bought directly from the seller.
  2. Man, I hope so. I was looking that glass and thought to myself, the odds of replacing that are phenomenally slim.
  3. Let me look into this and I will let you know. Do you have the entire heating assembly or just the blower fan?
  4. Woo Hoo, I got it. I was on a tablet so the BBC code was not showing. See original post for images.
  5. Lol, give me a minute. https://imgur.com/gallery/Ra8tbqU https://imgur.com/gallery/U9tsM69 https://imgur.com/gallery/UeJnp7Z
  6. Yes, same result. The link will not insert after hitting the button. The window just stays open. https://imgur.com/user/xray31 Maybe this will work.
  7. I have tried Reddit and Imgur, the links won’t insert.🤷🏼‍♂️
  8. So I have taken ownership of a 1969 U521 extended cab. It was in Costa Rica until it was shipped to the states this summer. I am going over it and discovering some interesting things about this vehicle. One thing is no heater core. I’m sure in Costa Rica they had no need for heat or a defroster. The sweet little ride is in Tennessee where it gets a little chilly November through March. My question is, did theses trucks come with a heater core fan setup? I would think if they were sold in Japan they would have.
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