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  1. Crusty320

    Heater hose

    So I got the core out of the housing but I’m kind of stuck now i can pop the valve out I really would hate to break it I’m trying to be carful but it’s not coming out and is still seized up.
  2. Crusty320

    Heater hose

    Thanks for the info and the offer I’ll get back to you if I end up needing it. I think I’ll try grabbing one locally first.
  3. Crusty320

    Heater hose

    UPDATE : I got my cousin to 3d print me a connector. Slight problem though my heater is broken? I’m not quite sure really. The Problem is the knob to turn the heater to cold is stuck in the middle and the air will get “warm” not hot enough to defrost though I dug around the forums and found a thread talking about the same problem but I couldn’t find a fix I’m not sure if this is the was it’s supposed to be and I just don’t have the right thing to turn it or if it’s corroded and won’t turn I don’t know where to start on this problem. Does anybody have any advice on where to start? also, I do have the cover to this, but I don’t have the lever to turn hot-cold
  4. I’ll look into getting some “buna n”. do you know anything on oil filter gaskets or how to set it right. I picked up a wix filter off rock autoand it came with gaskets, they were a tad big so I’m using my old ones it’s still not sealing correctly though https://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/nissan,1965,320,1.2l+l4,1440392,engine,oil+filter,5340
  5. I’ve “found” 3 leaks one on top of the gas tank around the fuel sender? I think that’s what they are called here’s a picture of it it’s leaking around the gasket when the tank is full and the gas splashes up. I just cut a new gasket and re-threaded 2 stripped holes, and tightened it down it’s still leaking though. I’m thinking it might be the type of gasket? It’s a rubber fiber sheet I cut it out of. The clutch leak is really slow and I don’t have a lead on yet really, right now I’m thinking it’s the slave but it’s hard to tell cause it I’m also leaking oil and need to Im fix that before I can figure out the clutch. Oil is leaking by the filter I can’t seem to get the right gasket for it.If anyone knows where to get a gasket for that or what kind I need to get that’d be great
  6. Crusty320

    Heater hose

    I appreciate the the offer I’ll keep that in mind I’m gonna talk to my cousin and see if he can 3d print one for me or if he’s knows where the old one is as he was the previous owner. If that doesn’t work out would you be able to ship it or would it need to be picked up?
  7. Crusty320

    Heater hose

    I’ve recently “finished” my truck and using it as my daily driver but there’s always more to do such as this heater hose I can’t seem to find a hose that would work for this. I have the old one or at least what’s left of it and bought it around to a couple of local places and didn’t have anything like it. anyone know where I could pick one up?
  8. Picked this up a few weeks ago and worked perfectly appreciate it.
  9. So I can probably just buy a seal kit form Napa or something and do it my self? Appreciate the help.
  10. Crusty320

    320 clutch slave

    So I recently caved and brought my truck in to a local shop and there’s a couple a big things that need fixing before I drive it 1, the wheel bearings need a repack and 2,the clutch master cylinder and slave are leaking and that’s what I need help with I’ve read in some older posts that a 521 master should work just have to switch out the rods which is what I did with my brake master clylinder. The thing I can’t figure out is where to get a slave for it. I haven’t been able to find anything expect places that could “repair” it while that is always a option I’m on a big time crunch and need this done by early June. Keep in mind I don’t have the biggest budget and would love some help sourcing a slave cylinder. thanks
  11. Crusty320

    I need help

    Sorry for the confusion but I did figure out the carb issue turns out I’m dumb and was messing with the fuel mixture screw not the idle screw 🤦‍♂️ so the idle if fine now. The new problem is the engine seems to Miss at high rpm’s and I can’t figure out why I looked at the distributor and it’s in great shape so not that can’t think of anything else that doesn’t involve tearing down the engine. I believe the head gasket was blow so he had to replace it.
  12. Crusty320

    I need help

    I hope it’s as simple as a blow head gasket but my cousin that owned it before me said he replaced it before throwing it his barn and it hasn’t be used since then besides when checking stuff after repair I’ll look into though anyway in the meantime though to cover all bases anyone know where to get pistons that will fit a e-1 eventually I plan to replace them as I think they are the same that came with the truck and my cousin said they should be replaced soon based off of how they looked when he replaced the head gasket
  13. Crusty320

    I need help

    Yeah it is just changed the oil gonna check it in a couple days to see if it milky but this truck was in a barn for 10 years and the oil is about a year old it was a after thought to change it should have sooner I know but I think it’s like that because of the snow we got these last to winters I stupidly left it outside and snow drifts covered the truck the air cleaner wasn’t on so I’m hoping it was just from snow getting in there but we will see.
  14. Crusty320

    I need help

    One last push to the finish I checked the compression again and the 4th piston is way low so sadly I need to rip the engine apart and see if the piston needs to be replaced or if it’s a gasket problem. Just preparing for the worst anyone know where to get some replacement e-1 pistons? in other news this isn’t good thanks, crusty
  15. There condensation in the engine and there’s white smoke when it’s running
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