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    1979 datsun 210
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    figuring out how this dumb datsun works

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  1. new poster here. am now an owner of a 1979 b310 wagon.. (hey I promise it's cool) but am getting pretty stuck attempting to restore the emissions systems. I have two boxes of emissions components, but both are different and incomplete. passing smog where I live is a must, but all the time I've sunk into figuring out what parts I would need- let alone figuring out the vacuum lines has made my motivation crawl to a frustrating halt. I've been told by some people that having an exhaust shop weld in a cat or two would waive all reasons to keep the emissions and vacuum system as a whole. I like this option, and likely wouldn't delete ALL the vacuum, but would i still need to run my air pump, EGR, charcoal canister, etc.. with those cats to pass? any resources you can suggest or personal experience to share, i'm all ears!
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