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    Datsun 620
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    Working on my truck

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  1. The leak From i would assume is coming from ( click on link to see diagram)!! the drive shaft Yoke. on the image if you look at the beginning where the two u joints come together, underneath that is a big cross member/ bracket with transmission oil on it? https://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsun/pickup-1972-1979/power-train/propeller-shaft#PhotoSwipe1671259708094 sorry hope this makes sense hard to explain when idk how to post pictures on here from my phone!
  2. Okay well i don't want to drop the transmission again 😞, @datzenmike where the seal sits did have a couple of minor groves, could this be the reason for leaking? the seal sits exactly how you have yours in the picture i was afraid if i pushed further in that it would cause a leak. I have a couple videos and picture where I think it could be possibly leaking? All i know is that the support/ cross member that is directly under the driveshaft that spins has transmission oil when running my hand above. i
  3. @datzenmike I replaced output and input shaft seals, rear main seal, replaced all 3 gaskets on transmisson as well. I just drove it today after assembly and everyhthing is okay but it still leaks! There isnt any visiable leaking coming from a certain area. All i know is that the driveshaft is splattering it and throwing it up towards the cover where the shifter goes. As well as under the driver and passenger under the cab, please help I used all oem seals from nissan, plus i made sure they went in flush not to deep! my last thing would be if its leaking from the drive shaft yolk. I googled leaking drive shaft and a couple people said that sometimes it not the seal but the yoke/pinion yoke can anyone confirm if a 1973 datsun 620 would could have a leak coming from here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o1IguWww_4
  4. Hey guys just dropped my transmission and my Tranny has been leaking for the longest and finally I got to it! when I pulled the output shaft seal close to the shifter I saw that the housing had a chip? Can anyone confirm that this isn’t normal and even if I did replace the seal would I continue to leak? Also i don’t know if the leak could be coming from the o ring where the shifter connects. Please need help !! Hopefully this is repairable with the seals
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